
BBC micro:bit Add-ons and Extensions

Showing 1 - 48 of 99 products
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Monk MakesLED Arc
Sale price £4.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
CO2 Dock for micro:bitCO2 Dock for micro:bit
Monk MakesCO2 Dock for micro:bit
Sale price £75 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Kitronik ARCADE for micro:bit and MakeCode Arcade - The Pi HutKitronik ARCADE for micro:bit and MakeCode Arcade - The Pi Hut
KitronikKitronik ARCADE for micro:bit and MakeCode Arcade
Sale price £28.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Wearable Accessory for micro:bit - The Pi HutWearable Accessory for micro:bit - The Pi Hut
BBC micro:bitWearable Accessory for micro:bit
Sale price £2.70 incl. VAT excl. VAT
IO Extender for micro:bit - The Pi HutIO Extender for micro:bit - The Pi Hut
DFRobotIO Extender for micro:bit
Sale price £6 incl. VAT excl. VAT
STOP:bit - Traffic Light for BBC micro:bit - The Pi HutSTOP:bit - Traffic Light for BBC micro:bit - The Pi Hut
KitronikSTOP:bit - Traffic Light for BBC micro:bit
Sale price £4.20 incl. VAT excl. VAT
micro:GamePad V4 for micro:bit - The Pi Hutmicro:GamePad V4 for micro:bit - The Pi Hut
DFRobotmicro:GamePad V4 for micro:bit
Sale price £19.60 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Smart AI Lens Kit - The Pi HutSmart AI Lens Kit - The Pi Hut
ElecfreaksSmart AI Lens Kit
Sale price £55.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Servo for micro:bit - The Pi HutServo for micro:bit - The Pi Hut
Monk MakesServo for micro:bit
Sale price £8.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Christmas Coding Kit for micro:bit - The Pi HutChristmas Coding Kit for micro:bit - The Pi Hut
ElecfreaksChristmas Coding Kit for micro:bit
Sale price £7.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Compact Motor Driver Board for the BBC micro:bit - The Pi HutCompact Motor Driver Board for the BBC micro:bit - The Pi Hut
KitronikCompact Motor Driver Board for the BBC micro:bit
Sale price £11.90 incl. VAT excl. VAT
MI:power board for the BBC Microbit V2 - The Pi HutMI:power board for the BBC Microbit V2 - The Pi Hut
KitronikMI:power board for the BBC Microbit V2
Sale price £5.55 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Breadboard breakout for the BBC micro:bit - The Pi HutBreadboard breakout for the BBC micro:bit - The Pi Hut
KitronikBreadboard breakout for the BBC micro:bit
Sale price £5 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Adafruit NeoPixel LED Strip w/ Alligator Clips - 60 LED/m - The Pi HutAdafruit NeoPixel LED Strip w/ Alligator Clips - 60 LED/m - The Pi Hut
micro:Driver - Driver Expansion Board for micro:bit - The Pi Hutmicro:Driver - Driver Expansion Board for micro:bit - The Pi Hut
DFRobotmicro:Driver - Driver Expansion Board for micro:bit
Sale price £11.80 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Power for micro:bit - The Pi HutPower for micro:bit - The Pi Hut
Monk MakesPower for micro:bit
Sale price £7.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
:GAME Controller for BBC micro:bit - The Pi Hut:GAME Controller for BBC micro:bit - The Pi Hut
Kitronik:GAME Controller for BBC micro:bit
Sale price £15.60 incl. VAT excl. VAT
micro:bit Breadboard Adapter - The Pi Hutmicro:bit Breadboard Adapter - The Pi Hut
SBCmicro:bit Breadboard Adapter
Sale price £5 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Ring:bit Accessories Kit - The Pi HutRing:bit Accessories Kit - The Pi Hut
ElecfreaksRing:bit Accessories Kit
Sale price £16.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
ZIP Halo HD for the BBC micro:bit - The Pi HutZIP Halo HD for the BBC micro:bit - The Pi Hut
KitronikZIP Halo HD for the BBC micro:bit
Sale price £26.10 incl. VAT excl. VAT
RGB LED for micro:bit - The Pi Hut
Monk MakesRGB LED for micro:bit
Sale price £3.60 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Edge Connector Breakout Board for micro:bit - The Pi Hut
KitronikEdge Connector Breakout Board for micro:bit
Sale price £5.40 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Grove WiFi 8266 - IoT for micro:bit, Pico & More - The Pi HutGrove WiFi 8266 - IoT for micro:bit, Pico & More - The Pi Hut
CytronGrove WiFi 8266 - IoT for micro:bit, Pico & More
Sale price £6.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
1.8" Colour Display Module for micro:bit (160x128) - The Pi Hut1.8" Colour Display Module for micro:bit (160x128) - The Pi Hut
Waveshare1.8" Colour Display Module for micro:bit (160x128)
Sale price £19.70 incl. VAT excl. VAT
LAMP:bit - Street Light for BBC micro:bit - The Pi HutLAMP:bit - Street Light for BBC micro:bit - The Pi Hut
KitronikLAMP:bit - Street Light for BBC micro:bit
Sale price £5.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Adafruit Bonsai Buckaroo - micro:bit & CLUE Plant Care Helper - The Pi HutAdafruit Bonsai Buckaroo - micro:bit & CLUE Plant Care Helper - The Pi Hut
Interactive Coding Accessories Pack for TPBot - The Pi HutInteractive Coding Accessories Pack for TPBot - The Pi Hut
ElecfreaksInteractive Coding Accessories Pack for TPBot
Sale price £48.60 incl. VAT excl. VAT
MOTION:BIT for micro:bit - The Pi HutMOTION:BIT for micro:bit - The Pi Hut
CytronMOTION:BIT for micro:bit
Sale price £29.20 incl. VAT excl. VAT
REKA:BIT Robotics Board for micro:bit - The Pi HutREKA:BIT Robotics Board for micro:bit - The Pi Hut
CytronREKA:BIT Robotics Board for micro:bit
Sale price £17.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Monk Makes Plant Monitor - The Pi HutMonk Makes Plant Monitor - The Pi Hut
Monk MakesMonk Makes Plant Monitor
Sale price £10.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Simple Servo Control Board for BBC micro:bit - The Pi HutSimple Servo Control Board for BBC micro:bit - The Pi Hut
KitronikSimple Servo Control Board for BBC micro:bit
Sale price £9.30 incl. VAT excl. VAT
:VIEW Graphics128 OLED Display 128x64 for BBC micro:bit - The Pi Hut:VIEW Graphics128 OLED Display 128x64 for BBC micro:bit - The Pi Hut
Save 15%
Clippable Detector Board V1.0 - The Pi HutClippable Detector Board V1.0 - The Pi Hut
KitronikClippable Detector Board V1.0
Sale price £4.34 Regular price £5.10 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Mini Prong Soil Moisture Sensor for BBC micro:bit - The Pi HutMini Prong Soil Moisture Sensor for BBC micro:bit - The Pi Hut
KitronikMini Prong Soil Moisture Sensor for BBC micro:bit
Sale price £2.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Relay Bit - 4 Channel 3V Relay Board for micro:bit - The Pi HutRelay Bit - 4 Channel 3V Relay Board for micro:bit - The Pi Hut
SBCRelay Bit - 4 Channel 3V Relay Board for micro:bit
Sale price £19.80 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Grabber Claw for Bit:Bot XL - The Pi HutGrabber Claw for Bit:Bot XL - The Pi Hut
4tronixGrabber Claw for Bit:Bot XL
Sale price £12 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Joystick:bit 2 for micro:bit - The Pi HutJoystick:bit 2 for micro:bit - The Pi Hut
ElecfreaksJoystick:bit 2 for micro:bit
Sale price £13.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Drive:Bit Motor Controller for the Micro:Bit - The Pi HutDrive:Bit Motor Controller for the Micro:Bit - The Pi Hut
4tronixDrive:Bit Motor Controller for the Micro:Bit
Sale price £9.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
ZIP Stick - 5 ZIP LEDs - The Pi HutZIP Stick - 5 ZIP LEDs - The Pi Hut
KitronikZIP Stick - 5 ZIP LEDs
Sale price £3.30 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Speaker for micro:bit - The Pi Hut
Monk MakesSpeaker for micro:bit
Sale price £9 incl. VAT excl. VAT
ZIP Halo for the BBC micro:bit - The Pi HutZIP Halo for the BBC micro:bit - The Pi Hut
KitronikZIP Halo for the BBC micro:bit
Sale price £13.80 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Rainbow LED Christmas Tree for micro:bit - The Pi HutRainbow LED Christmas Tree for micro:bit - The Pi Hut
ElecfreaksRainbow LED Christmas Tree for micro:bit
Sale price £4 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Snowflake Buzzer for micro:bit - The Pi HutSnowflake Buzzer for micro:bit - The Pi Hut
ElecfreaksSnowflake Buzzer for micro:bit
Sale price £2.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
MI:sound Speaker Board for BBC micro:bit V2 - The Pi HutMI:sound Speaker Board for BBC micro:bit V2 - The Pi Hut
KitronikMI:sound Speaker Board for BBC micro:bit V2
Sale price £6.90 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Compact All-In-One Robotics Board for BBC micro:bit - The Pi HutCompact All-In-One Robotics Board for BBC micro:bit - The Pi Hut
KitronikCompact All-In-One Robotics Board for BBC micro:bit
Sale price £18.80 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Compact 16 Servo Driver Board for the BBC micro:bit - The Pi HutCompact 16 Servo Driver Board for the BBC micro:bit - The Pi Hut
KitronikCompact 16 Servo Driver Board for the BBC micro:bit
Sale price £10.80 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Smart Greenhouse Kit for the BBC micro:bit - The Pi HutSmart Greenhouse Kit for the BBC micro:bit - The Pi Hut
KitronikSmart Greenhouse Kit for the BBC micro:bit
Sale price £48 incl. VAT excl. VAT
iot:bit for micro:bit (V2) - The Pi Hutiot:bit for micro:bit (V2) - The Pi Hut
Elecfreaksiot:bit for micro:bit
Sale price £14.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT

We’ve got a great range of micro:bit extensions and add-on boards here at The Pi Hut, giving you fun new ways to build exciting projects and learn how to code.

If you’re looking to break out the micro:bit edge connector for breadboarding your projects, we sell a number of breakout boards that are just perfect for the job.

Those wanting to add functionality are well catered for too. You’ll find a good stock of micro:bit add-on boards with LEDs, sensors, speakers and more.

Be sure to also check out our micro:bit robotics section, and out well-stocked Maker Store for essential parts for your micro:bit projects.