
BBC micro:bit Store

Showing 1 - 48 of 200 products
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micro:bit V2 - The Pi Hutmicro:bit V2 - The Pi Hut
BBC micro:bitmicro:bit V2.2
Sale price £15.60 incl. VAT excl. VAT
micro:bit V2 GO - Starter Kit - The Pi Hutmicro:bit V2 GO - Starter Kit - The Pi Hut
BBC micro:bitmicro:bit V2 GO - Starter Kit
Sale price £18 incl. VAT excl. VAT
micro:bit V2 CLUB (10-pack) - The Pi Hutmicro:bit V2 CLUB (10-pack) - The Pi Hut
BBC micro:bitmicro:bit V2 CLUB (10-pack)
Sale price £180 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Monk MakesLED Arc
Sale price £4.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
CO2 Dock for micro:bitCO2 Dock for micro:bit
Monk MakesCO2 Dock for micro:bit
Sale price £75 incl. VAT excl. VAT
USB-A to Micro-USB Cable - The Pi Hut
The Pi HutUSB-A to Micro-USB Cable
Sale priceFrom £1.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Protector Jacket for BBC micro:bit V2 - The Pi HutProtector Jacket for BBC micro:bit V2 - The Pi Hut
The Pi HutProtector Jacket for BBC micro:bit V2
Sale price £1 incl. VAT excl. VAT
2-Pin JST PH Cable with Female Connector (100mm) - The Pi Hut2-Pin JST PH Cable with Female Connector (100mm) - The Pi Hut
The Pi HutJST PH 2-Pin Cable - Female Connector 150mm
Sale price £0.80 incl. VAT excl. VAT
The Pi Hut e-Gift Card - The Pi HutThe Pi Hut e-Gift Card - The Pi Hut
The Pi HutThe Pi Hut e-Gift Card
Sale priceFrom £10
Clear Frosted Case for micro:bit V2 - The Pi HutClear Frosted Case for micro:bit V2 - The Pi Hut
ElecfreaksClear Frosted Case for micro:bit V2
Sale price £3 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Kitronik ARCADE for micro:bit and MakeCode Arcade - The Pi HutKitronik ARCADE for micro:bit and MakeCode Arcade - The Pi Hut
KitronikKitronik ARCADE for micro:bit and MakeCode Arcade
Sale price £28.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Smart Cutebot for micro:bit - The Pi HutSmart Cutebot for micro:bit - The Pi Hut
ElecfreaksSmart Cutebot for micro:bit
Sale price £29 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Silicon Protective Case for micro:bit V2 - The Pi HutSilicon Protective Case for micro:bit V2 - The Pi Hut
The Pi HutSilicon Protective Case for micro:bit V2
Sale price £3.80 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Official micro:bit USB-A to Micro-USB Cable - The Pi HutOfficial micro:bit USB-A to Micro-USB Cable - The Pi Hut
BBC micro:bitOfficial micro:bit USB-A to Micro-USB Cable
Sale price £1.80 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Alligator Clip to Male Jumper Wire - 6 Piece Set - The Pi HutAlligator Clip to Male Jumper Wire - 6 Piece Set - The Pi Hut
JST-PH Battery Extension Cable - 500mm - The Pi HutJST-PH Battery Extension Cable - 500mm - The Pi Hut
The Pi HutJST-PH Battery Extension Cable - 500mm
Sale price £1.70 incl. VAT excl. VAT
TPBot - Smart Car Robot Kit for BBC micro:bit - The Pi HutTPBot - Smart Car Robot Kit for BBC micro:bit - The Pi Hut
ElecfreaksTPBot - Smart Car Robot Kit for BBC micro:bit
Sale price £40.90 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Wearable Accessory for micro:bit - The Pi HutWearable Accessory for micro:bit - The Pi Hut
BBC micro:bitWearable Accessory for micro:bit
Sale price £2.70 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Official micro:bit USB-C to Micro-USB Cable - The Pi HutOfficial micro:bit USB-C to Micro-USB Cable - The Pi Hut
BBC micro:bitOfficial micro:bit USB-C to Micro-USB Cable
Sale price £2.20 incl. VAT excl. VAT
6-in-1 Ring:bit Bricks Pack for micro:bit (LEGO-compatible) - The Pi Hut6-in-1 Ring:bit Bricks Pack for micro:bit (LEGO-compatible) - The Pi Hut
Black Frosted Case for micro:bit V2 - The Pi HutBlack Frosted Case for micro:bit V2 - The Pi Hut
ElecfreaksBlack Frosted Case for micro:bit V2
Sale price £3 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Discovery Kit for the BBC micro:bit - The Pi HutDiscovery Kit for the BBC micro:bit - The Pi Hut
KitronikDiscovery Kit for the BBC micro:bit
Sale price £12.90 incl. VAT excl. VAT
micro:bit Battery Holder with on/off switch - 2xAA - The Pi Hut
micro:bit smart coding kit - The Pi Hutmicro:bit smart coding kit - The Pi Hut
Elecfreaksmicro:bit smart coding kit
Sale price £9.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
JST-PH Jumper Assembly (2 Wire) - The Pi Hut
ModMyPiJST-PH Jumper Assembly (2 Wire)
Sale price £1 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Small Alligator Clip Test Lead (set of 12) - The Pi HutSmall Alligator Clip Test Lead (set of 12) - The Pi Hut
The Pi HutSmall Alligator Clip Test Lead (set of 12)
Sale price £3.40 incl. VAT excl. VAT
:MOVE Motor for the BBC micro:bit - The Pi Hut:MOVE Motor for the BBC micro:bit - The Pi Hut
Kitronik:MOVE Motor for the BBC micro:bit
Sale price £32.40 incl. VAT excl. VAT
2.1mm DC Barrel Jack to Alligator Clips - The Pi Hut2.1mm DC Barrel Jack to Alligator Clips - The Pi Hut
The Pi Hut2.1mm DC Barrel Jack to Alligator Clips
Sale price £1.70 incl. VAT excl. VAT
2 x AAA Battery Holder with On/Off Switch & JST PH Connector - The Pi Hut2 x AAA Battery Holder with On/Off Switch & JST PH Connector - The Pi Hut
Inventor's Kit for the micro:bit - The Pi HutInventor's Kit for the micro:bit - The Pi Hut
KitronikInventor's Kit for the micro:bit
Sale price £25.20 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Official micro:bit Battery Pack with ON/OFF Switch - The Pi HutOfficial micro:bit Battery Pack with ON/OFF Switch - The Pi Hut
IO Extender for micro:bit - The Pi HutIO Extender for micro:bit - The Pi Hut
DFRobotIO Extender for micro:bit
Sale price £6 incl. VAT excl. VAT
32-in-1 micro:bit Wonder Building Kit (micro:bit not included) - The Pi Hut32-in-1 micro:bit Wonder Building Kit (micro:bit not included) - The Pi Hut
Elecfreaks micro:bit Starter Kit (micro:bit not included) - The Pi HutElecfreaks micro:bit Starter Kit (micro:bit not included) - The Pi Hut
STOP:bit - Traffic Light for BBC micro:bit - The Pi HutSTOP:bit - Traffic Light for BBC micro:bit - The Pi Hut
KitronikSTOP:bit - Traffic Light for BBC micro:bit
Sale price £4.20 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Small Alligator Clip Test Lead (Set of 18) - The Pi HutSmall Alligator Clip Test Lead (Set of 18) - The Pi Hut
The Pi HutSmall Alligator Clip Test Lead (Set of 18)
Sale price £5.90 incl. VAT excl. VAT
micro:GamePad V4 for micro:bit - The Pi Hutmicro:GamePad V4 for micro:bit - The Pi Hut
DFRobotmicro:GamePad V4 for micro:bit
Sale price £19.60 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Smart AI Lens Kit - The Pi HutSmart AI Lens Kit - The Pi Hut
ElecfreaksSmart AI Lens Kit
Sale price £55.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
ELECFREAKS micro:bit Retro Programming Arcade - The Pi HutELECFREAKS micro:bit Retro Programming Arcade - The Pi Hut
ElecfreaksELECFREAKS micro:bit Retro Programming Arcade
Sale price £29.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Servo for micro:bit - The Pi HutServo for micro:bit - The Pi Hut
Monk MakesServo for micro:bit
Sale price £8.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Small Alligator Clip to Female Jumper Wire Bundle - 6 Pieces - The Pi HutSmall Alligator Clip to Female Jumper Wire Bundle - 6 Pieces - The Pi Hut
Christmas Coding Kit for micro:bit - The Pi HutChristmas Coding Kit for micro:bit - The Pi Hut
ElecfreaksChristmas Coding Kit for micro:bit
Sale price £7.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
:MOVE mini Mk2 Buggy Kit - The Pi Hut:MOVE mini Mk2 Buggy Kit - The Pi Hut
Kitronik:MOVE mini Mk2 Buggy Kit
Sale price £30 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Audio Cable for BBC micro:bit - The Pi Hut
KitronikAudio Cable for BBC micro:bit
Sale price £3 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Nezha Inventor's Kit for BBC micro:bit - The Pi HutNezha Inventor's Kit for BBC micro:bit - The Pi Hut
ElecfreaksNezha Inventor's Kit for BBC micro:bit
Sale price £125 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Compact Motor Driver Board for the BBC micro:bit - The Pi HutCompact Motor Driver Board for the BBC micro:bit - The Pi Hut
KitronikCompact Motor Driver Board for the BBC micro:bit
Sale price £11.90 incl. VAT excl. VAT
EDU:BIT Learning & Project Kit for micro:bit - The Pi HutEDU:BIT Learning & Project Kit for micro:bit - The Pi Hut
CytronEDU:BIT Learning & Project Kit for micro:bit
Sale price £36.60 incl. VAT excl. VAT
MI:pro Protector Case for the BBC micro:bit V1 & V2 - The Pi HutMI:pro Protector Case for the BBC micro:bit V1 & V2 - The Pi Hut
KitronikMI:pro Protector Case for the BBC micro:bit V1 & V2
Sale price £4.10 incl. VAT excl. VAT

The BBC micro:bit was designed by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), with the first boards being released in February 2016.

The micro:bit was created to encourage children to get involved with the writing of software and building of new things, rather than just consuming retail products without an appreciation or education on how they work.

Being aimed at children and beginners, the micro:bit is much simpler than other microcontrollers and , as a result, is much easier to learn how to use.

The latest micro:bit V2 is powered via micro USB and includes a lot of fun onboard features to start coding with. It holds 25 small LEDs in the middle of the board for making blinky programs, a compass and accelerometer for movement detection, a built-in speaker, microphone, touch sensor, two buttons to trigger actions and an easy to use edge connector for connecting external components.

The micro:bit V2 also includes onboard Bluetooth for sending your code to the board wirelessly, or alternatively you can connect your PC to the micro USB connection.

With its feature-packed board and fantastic learning materials, it really is a top choice for a new coder or young aspiring programmer.

The Pi Hut stock micro:bit kits and a whole host of fun microbit extensions, add-ons and accessories to make learning with this great little board even more exciting.