
Prototyping PCBs and Perfboard

Showing 1 - 48 of 55 products
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Proto PCB 10-Pack - 4x6cm - The Pi HutProto PCB 10-Pack - 4x6cm - The Pi Hut
The Pi HutProto PCB 10-Pack - 4x6cm
Sale price £3.60 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Adafruit Perma-Proto Half-sized Breadboard PCB - Single - The Pi HutAdafruit Perma-Proto Half-sized Breadboard PCB - Single - The Pi Hut
Adafruit Perma-Proto Quarter-sized Breadboard PCB - Single - The Pi HutAdafruit Perma-Proto Quarter-sized Breadboard PCB - Single - The Pi Hut
Proto PCB 10-Pack - 3x7cm - The Pi HutProto PCB 10-Pack - 3x7cm - The Pi Hut
The Pi HutProto PCB 10-Pack - 3x7cm
Sale price £3.30 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Proto PCB 10-Pack - 2x8cm - The Pi HutProto PCB 10-Pack - 2x8cm - The Pi Hut
The Pi HutProto PCB 10-Pack - 2x8cm
Sale price £3 incl. VAT excl. VAT
2mm Pitch Universal Proto-board PCB - 6cm x 8cm - The Pi Hut2mm Pitch Universal Proto-board PCB - 6cm x 8cm - The Pi Hut
The Pi Hut2mm Pitch Universal Proto-board PCB - 6cm x 8cm
Sale price £1.90 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Proto PCB 10-Pack - 9x15cm - The Pi HutProto PCB 10-Pack - 9x15cm - The Pi Hut
The Pi HutProto PCB 10-Pack - 9x15cm
Sale price £11.20 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Proto PCB 10-Pack - 5x7cm - The Pi HutProto PCB 10-Pack - 5x7cm - The Pi Hut
The Pi HutProto PCB 10-Pack - 5x7cm
Sale price £4.40 incl. VAT excl. VAT
M5Stack 2.54mm Mini Proto Unit 70 Holes - The Pi HutM5Stack 2.54mm Mini Proto Unit 70 Holes - The Pi Hut
M5StackM5Stack 2.54mm Mini Proto Unit 70 Holes
Sale price £2 incl. VAT excl. VAT
ATOMIC Proto Kit - The Pi HutATOMIC Proto Kit - The Pi Hut
M5StackM5Stack ATOMIC Proto Kit
Sale price £3.90 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Adafruit Perma-Proto Half-sized Breadboard PCB - 3 Pack! - The Pi HutAdafruit Perma-Proto Half-sized Breadboard PCB - 3 Pack! - The Pi Hut
Proto PCB 10-Pack - 7x9cm - The Pi HutProto PCB 10-Pack - 7x9cm - The Pi Hut
The Pi HutProto PCB 10-Pack - 7x9cm
Sale price £5.70 incl. VAT excl. VAT
SparkFun Solder-able Breadboard - Mini - The Pi HutSparkFun Solder-able Breadboard - Mini - The Pi Hut
SparkfunSparkFun Solder-able Breadboard - Mini
Sale price £3.30 incl. VAT excl. VAT
M5Stack New Mini Proto Unit 40 Holes - The Pi HutM5Stack New Mini Proto Unit 40 Holes - The Pi Hut
M5StackM5Stack New Mini Proto Unit 40 Holes
Sale price £1.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
M5Stack Proto Pegboard Module - 13.2 - The Pi HutM5Stack Proto Pegboard Module - 13.2 - The Pi Hut
M5StackM5Stack Proto Pegboard Module - 13.2
Sale price £4.60 incl. VAT excl. VAT
FeatherWing Proto - Prototyping Add-on For All Feather Boards - The Pi HutFeatherWing Proto - Prototyping Add-on For All Feather Boards - The Pi Hut
Universal Proto-board PCBs 3cm x 7cm - 3 Pack - The Pi HutUniversal Proto-board PCBs 3cm x 7cm - 3 Pack - The Pi Hut
The Pi HutUniversal Proto-board PCBs 3cm x 7cm - 3 Pack
Sale price £2.40 incl. VAT excl. VAT
FeatherWing Doubler - Prototyping Add-on For All Feather Boards - The Pi HutFeatherWing Doubler - Prototyping Add-on For All Feather Boards - The Pi Hut
Universal Proto-board PCBs 4cm x 6cm - 3 Pack - The Pi HutUniversal Proto-board PCBs 4cm x 6cm - 3 Pack - The Pi Hut
The Pi HutUniversal Proto-board PCBs 4cm x 6cm - 3 Pack
Sale price £2.40 incl. VAT excl. VAT
M5Stack Proto Module with Extension & Bus Socket - The Pi HutM5Stack Proto Module with Extension & Bus Socket - The Pi Hut
M5StackM5Stack Proto Module with Extension & Bus Socket
Sale price £4.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Adafruit Perma-Proto Quarter-sized Breadboard PCB - 3 Pack! - The Pi HutAdafruit Perma-Proto Quarter-sized Breadboard PCB - 3 Pack! - The Pi Hut
DB9 Breakout Board PCB – Male - The Pi HutDB9 Breakout Board PCB – Male - The Pi Hut
BCRoboticsDB9 Breakout Board PCB – Male
Sale price £2 incl. VAT excl. VAT
DB9 Breakout Board PCB – Female - The Pi HutDB9 Breakout Board PCB – Female - The Pi Hut
BCRoboticsDB9 Breakout Board PCB - Female
Sale price £1.40 incl. VAT excl. VAT
M5Stack ATOM HUB DIY Proto Board Kit - The Pi HutM5Stack ATOM HUB DIY Proto Board Kit - The Pi Hut
M5StackM5Stack ATOM HUB DIY Proto Board Kit
Sale price £7 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Grove - Proto Shield - The Pi HutGrove - Proto Shield - The Pi Hut
SeeedGrove - Proto Shield
Sale price £2 incl. VAT excl. VAT
M5Stack ATOM Mate Adapter DIY Expansion Kit - The Pi HutM5Stack ATOM Mate Adapter DIY Expansion Kit - The Pi Hut
M5StackM5Stack ATOM Mate Adapter DIY Expansion Kit
Sale price £3.80 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Adafruit Flex Perma-Proto - Half-sized Breadboard Flex-PCB - The Pi HutAdafruit Flex Perma-Proto - Half-sized Breadboard Flex-PCB - The Pi Hut
Proto PCB 10-Pack - 6x8cm - The Pi HutProto PCB 10-Pack - 6x8cm - The Pi Hut
The Pi HutProto PCB 10-Pack - 6x8cm
Sale price £5 incl. VAT excl. VAT
ESP8266 Breakout Board - The Pi HutESP8266 Breakout Board - The Pi Hut
BCRoboticsBreakout Board for ESP8266
Sale price £2.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
PiGRRL 2.0 Custom Gamepad PCB - The Pi HutPiGRRL 2.0 Custom Gamepad PCB - The Pi Hut
AdafruitPiGRRL 2.0 Custom Gamepad PCB
Sale price £4.80 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Proto PCB 10-Pack - 8x12cm - The Pi HutProto PCB 10-Pack - 8x12cm - The Pi Hut
The Pi HutProto PCB 10-Pack - 8x12cm
Sale price £8.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Proto PCB 10-Pack - 7x10cm - The Pi HutProto PCB 10-Pack - 7x10cm - The Pi Hut
The Pi HutProto PCB 10-Pack - 7x10cm
Sale price £7.40 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Olimex AGONLIGHT2-PROTO - The Pi HutOlimex AGONLIGHT2-PROTO - The Pi Hut
Sale price £4.90 incl. VAT excl. VAT
SparkFun Solder-able Breadboard - Large - The Pi HutSparkFun Solder-able Breadboard - Large - The Pi Hut
SparkfunSparkFun Solder-able Breadboard - Large
Sale price £9.40 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Adafruit Perma-Proto Mint Tin Size Breadboard PCB - The Pi HutAdafruit Perma-Proto Mint Tin Size Breadboard PCB - The Pi Hut
AdafruitAdafruit Perma-Proto Mint Tin Size Breadboard PCB
Sale price £5.90 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Adafruit Perma-Proto Super Pack! - The Pi Hut
AdafruitAdafruit Perma-Proto Super Pack!
Sale price £34.80 incl. VAT excl. VAT
ATOMS3R Proto Kit without Screen (8MB PSRAM) - The Pi HutATOMS3R Proto Kit without Screen (8MB PSRAM) - The Pi Hut
M5StackATOMS3R Proto Kit without Screen (8MB PSRAM)
Sale price £14.20 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Proto Kit for M5Capsule - The Pi HutProto Kit for M5Capsule - The Pi Hut
The Pi HutProto Kit for M5Capsule
Sale price £2.30 incl. VAT excl. VAT
ESP8266 Proto Breakout - The Pi HutESP8266 Proto Breakout - The Pi Hut
BCRoboticsProto Breakout for ESP8266
Sale price £3 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Circuit Playground Proto Gizmo - Bolt-on Perma-Proto - The Pi HutCircuit Playground Proto Gizmo - Bolt-on Perma-Proto - The Pi Hut
AdafruitCircuit Playground Proto Gizmo - Bolt-on Perma-Proto
Sale price £7.80 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Adafruit Quad Side-By-Side FeatherWing Kit with Headers - The Pi HutAdafruit Quad Side-By-Side FeatherWing Kit with Headers - The Pi Hut
Prototyping Board - SOP8/SOP16/SOP28 - The Pi HutPrototyping Board - SOP8/SOP16/SOP28 - The Pi Hut
DFRobotPrototyping Board - SOP8/SOP16/SOP28
Sale price £1 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Prototyping Board - SOP8 - The Pi HutPrototyping Board - SOP8 - The Pi Hut
DFRobotPrototyping Board - SOP8
Sale price £0.60 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Save 14%
1591B Proto Board - The Pi Hut1591B Proto Board - The Pi Hut
BCRobotics1591B Proto Board
Sale price £3 Regular price £3.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Adafruit Perma-Proto Small Mint Tin Size Breadboard PCB - 3 pack - The Pi HutAdafruit Perma-Proto Small Mint Tin Size Breadboard PCB - 3 pack - The Pi Hut
M5Stack M5StickC Proto Hat - The Pi HutM5Stack M5StickC Proto Hat - The Pi Hut
M5StackM5Stack M5StickC Proto Hat
Sale price £1.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Adafruit Perma-Proto Full-sized Breadboard PCB - Single - The Pi HutAdafruit Perma-Proto Full-sized Breadboard PCB - Single - The Pi Hut
FeatherWing Tripler Mini Kit - Prototyping Add-on For Feathers - The Pi HutFeatherWing Tripler Mini Kit - Prototyping Add-on For Feathers - The Pi Hut