BCRobotics Products

Showing 1 - 46 of 46 products
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Blinky Light Kit – Learn To Solder! - The Pi HutBlinky Light Kit – Learn To Solder! - The Pi Hut
BCRoboticsBlinky Light Kit – Learn To Solder!
Sale priceFrom £3.83 Regular price £4.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Perf HAT for Raspberry Pi - The Pi HutPerf HAT for Raspberry Pi - The Pi Hut
BCRoboticsPerf HAT for Raspberry Pi
Sale price £2.80 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Proto HAT for Raspberry Pi Zero - The Pi HutProto HAT for Raspberry Pi Zero - The Pi Hut
BCRoboticsProto HAT for Raspberry Pi Zero
Sale price £3.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
16 Channel Analog Input HAT – ADC for Raspberry Pi - The Pi Hut16 Channel Analog Input HAT – ADC for Raspberry Pi - The Pi Hut
Arduino Proto Shield - Dev Board 2.0 - The Pi HutArduino Proto Shield - Dev Board 2.0 - The Pi Hut
BCRoboticsProto Shield for Arduino Uno
Sale price £2.80 incl. VAT excl. VAT
2 Channel Relay Breakout – 5V - The Pi Hut2 Channel Relay Breakout – 5V - The Pi Hut
BCRobotics2 Channel Relay Breakout – 5V
Sale price £7 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Raspberry Pi Proto Strip Board - The Pi HutRaspberry Pi Proto Strip Board - The Pi Hut
BCRoboticsProto Strip Board for Raspberry Pi
Sale price £3.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
RJ11 Breakout Board - The Pi HutRJ11 Breakout Board - The Pi Hut
BCRoboticsRJ11 Breakout Board
Sale price £2.80 incl. VAT excl. VAT
1591B Relay Board for Raspberry Pi Pico - The Pi Hut1591B Relay Board for Raspberry Pi Pico - The Pi Hut
BCRobotics1591B Relay Board for Raspberry Pi Pico
Sale price £14.80 incl. VAT excl. VAT
4-Pin Molex KK to Dupont Male Cable - The Pi Hut4-Pin Molex KK to Dupont Male Cable - The Pi Hut
BCRobotics4-Pin Molex KK to Dupont Male Cable
Sale price £2.10 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Arduino Mega Proto Shield - Dev Mega - The Pi HutArduino Mega Proto Shield - Dev Mega - The Pi Hut
BCRoboticsProto Shield for Arduino Mega
Sale price £4.10 incl. VAT excl. VAT
6-Pin Molex KK to Dupont Male Cable - The Pi Hut6-Pin Molex KK to Dupont Male Cable - The Pi Hut
BCRobotics6-Pin Molex KK to Dupont Male Cable
Sale price £3 incl. VAT excl. VAT
4 Channel Relay Breakout – 5V - The Pi Hut4 Channel Relay Breakout – 5V - The Pi Hut
BCRobotics4 Channel Relay Breakout – 5V
Sale price £14 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Weather HAT PRO (Assembled) for Raspberry Pi - The Pi HutWeather HAT PRO (Assembled) for Raspberry Pi - The Pi Hut
BCRoboticsWeather HAT PRO (Assembled) for Raspberry Pi
Sale price £29.70 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Weather Board for Raspberry Pi - The Pi HutWeather Board for Raspberry Pi - The Pi Hut
BCRoboticsWeather Board for Raspberry Pi
Sale price £16.40 incl. VAT excl. VAT
DB9 Breakout Board PCB – Female - The Pi HutDB9 Breakout Board PCB – Female - The Pi Hut
BCRoboticsDB9 Breakout Board PCB - Female
Sale price £1.40 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Raspberry Pi 4 Channel Relay HAT - The Pi HutRaspberry Pi 4 Channel Relay HAT - The Pi Hut
BCRobotics4-Channel Relay HAT for Raspberry Pi
Sale price £18 incl. VAT excl. VAT
2 Channel Relay Breakout – 24V - The Pi Hut2 Channel Relay Breakout – 24V - The Pi Hut
BCRobotics2 Channel Relay Breakout – 24V
Sale price £7.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Perf HAT for Raspberry Pi Zero - The Pi HutPerf HAT for Raspberry Pi Zero - The Pi Hut
BCRoboticsPerf HAT for Raspberry Pi Zero
Sale price £2.80 incl. VAT excl. VAT
2 Channel Isolated Relay Breakout – 24V - The Pi Hut2 Channel Isolated Relay Breakout – 24V - The Pi Hut
BCRobotics2 Channel Isolated Relay Breakout – 24V
Sale price £12 incl. VAT excl. VAT
2 Channel Isolated Relay Breakout – 5V - The Pi Hut2 Channel Isolated Relay Breakout – 5V - The Pi Hut
BCRobotics2 Channel Isolated Relay Breakout – 5V
Sale price £12.40 incl. VAT excl. VAT
4 Channel Relay Breakout – 12V - The Pi Hut4 Channel Relay Breakout – 12V - The Pi Hut
BCRobotics4 Channel Relay Breakout – 12V
Sale price £16 incl. VAT excl. VAT
DB9 Breakout Board PCB – Male - The Pi HutDB9 Breakout Board PCB – Male - The Pi Hut
BCRoboticsDB9 Breakout Board PCB – Male
Sale price £2 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Power + Relay HAT for Raspberry Pi Zero - The Pi HutPower + Relay HAT for Raspberry Pi Zero - The Pi Hut
BCRoboticsPower + Relay HAT for Raspberry Pi Zero
Sale price £17.40 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Raspberry Pi Power + Fan HAT - The Pi HutRaspberry Pi Power + Fan HAT - The Pi Hut
BCRoboticsPower + Fan HAT for Raspberry Pi
Sale price £18.10 incl. VAT excl. VAT
2 Channel Relay Breakout – 12V - The Pi Hut2 Channel Relay Breakout – 12V - The Pi Hut
BCRobotics2 Channel Relay Breakout – 12V
Sale price £7.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
ESP8266 Breakout Board - The Pi HutESP8266 Breakout Board - The Pi Hut
BCRoboticsBreakout Board for ESP8266
Sale price £2.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
WeatherHAT (Assembled) for Raspberry Pi Zero - The Pi HutWeatherHAT (Assembled) for Raspberry Pi Zero - The Pi Hut
BCRoboticsWeatherHAT (Assembled) for Raspberry Pi Zero
Sale price £17.40 incl. VAT excl. VAT
1591B Weather Board for Raspberry Pi Pico - The Pi Hut1591B Weather Board for Raspberry Pi Pico - The Pi Hut
BCRobotics1591B Weather Board for Raspberry Pi Pico
Sale price £16 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Power + Relay HAT for Raspberry Pi - The Pi HutPower + Relay HAT for Raspberry Pi - The Pi Hut
BCRoboticsPower + Relay HAT for Raspberry Pi
Sale price £24.20 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Qwiic / STEMMA QT Port Expander - The Pi HutQwiic / STEMMA QT Port Expander - The Pi Hut
BCRoboticsQwiic / STEMMA QT Port Expander
Sale price £5.20 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Raspberry Pi Zero Relay HAT - The Pi HutRaspberry Pi Zero Relay HAT - The Pi Hut
BCRoboticsRelay HAT for Raspberry Pi Zero
Sale price £13.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
16 Channel Analog Input HAT – ADC For Raspberry Pi Zero (Assembled) - The Pi Hut16 Channel Analog Input HAT – ADC For Raspberry Pi Zero (Assembled) - The Pi Hut
2 Channel Isolated Relay Breakout – 12V - The Pi Hut2 Channel Isolated Relay Breakout – 12V - The Pi Hut
BCRobotics2 Channel Isolated Relay Breakout – 12V
Sale price £12.40 incl. VAT excl. VAT
ESP8266 1 Channel Relay Board - The Pi HutESP8266 1 Channel Relay Board - The Pi Hut
BCRoboticsESP8266 1 Channel Relay Board
Sale price £11.90 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Irrigation Board for Raspberry Pi Pico - The Pi HutIrrigation Board for Raspberry Pi Pico - The Pi Hut
BCRoboticsIrrigation Board for Raspberry Pi Pico
Sale price £23.70 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Irrigation Board for Raspberry Pi - The Pi HutIrrigation Board for Raspberry Pi - The Pi Hut
BCRoboticsIrrigation Board for Raspberry Pi
Sale price £28.70 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Ultrasonic:Bit Distance Sensor - The Pi HutUltrasonic:Bit Distance Sensor - The Pi Hut
BCRoboticsUltrasonic:Bit Distance Sensor
Sale price £7.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
ESP8266 Proto Breakout - The Pi HutESP8266 Proto Breakout - The Pi Hut
BCRoboticsProto Breakout for ESP8266
Sale price £3 incl. VAT excl. VAT
MSOP-10 Breakout - The Pi HutMSOP-10 Breakout - The Pi Hut
BCRoboticsMSOP-10 Breakout
Sale price £1.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Raspberry Pi Power HAT V2 - The Pi HutRaspberry Pi Power HAT V2 - The Pi Hut
BCRoboticsPower HAT V2 for Raspberry Pi
Sale price £17.30 incl. VAT excl. VAT
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1591B Proto Board - The Pi Hut1591B Proto Board - The Pi Hut
BCRobotics1591B Proto Board
Sale price £3 Regular price £3.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
1591B Proto Board for Raspberry Pi Pico - The Pi Hut1591B Proto Board for Raspberry Pi Pico - The Pi Hut
BCRobotics1591B Proto Board for Raspberry Pi Pico
Sale price £3.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Raspberry Pi Power + RTC HAT - The Pi HutRaspberry Pi Power + RTC HAT - The Pi Hut
BCRoboticsPower + RTC HAT for Raspberry Pi
Sale price £29.80 incl. VAT excl. VAT
1591B Proto Extension for Raspberry Pi Pico - The Pi Hut1591B Proto Extension for Raspberry Pi Pico - The Pi Hut
RJ45 Breakout Board - The Pi HutRJ45 Breakout Board - The Pi Hut
BCRoboticsRJ45 Breakout Board
Sale price £3.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT

BCRobotics manufacture a variety of high-quality accessories and add-on boards for the Raspberry Pi, Arduino, ESP8266 and other platforms.

Based in Nanaimo on the east coast of Vancouver Island, Canada, and starting out in 2012, BCRobotics produce a large number of their products in house and to a high standard.

Some of their most popular boards include the Raspberry Pi Power HAT V2, which has been followed up with alternative versions including the Raspberry Pi Power + Fan HAT and Raspberry Pi Power + RTC HAT. There are also a number of BCRobotics modules to choose from, including their excellent 2 Channel Relay Breakouts.

The Pi Hut are proud to be the #1 BCRobotics UK supplier!