
Adafruit Feather

Showing 1 - 48 of 162 products
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Adafruit ESP32 Feather V2 -  8MB Flash + 2 MB PSRAM (STEMMA QT) - The Pi HutAdafruit ESP32 Feather V2 -  8MB Flash + 2 MB PSRAM (STEMMA QT) - The Pi Hut
Adafruit Feather RP2040 - The Pi HutAdafruit Feather RP2040 - The Pi Hut
AdafruitAdafruit Feather RP2040
Sale price £10.80 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Adafruit ESP32-S3 Feather with 4MB Flash 2MB PSRAM - STEMMA QT / Qwiic - The Pi HutAdafruit ESP32-S3 Feather with 4MB Flash 2MB PSRAM - STEMMA QT / Qwiic - The Pi Hut
JST 2-pin Extension Cable with On/Off Switch - JST PH2 - The Pi HutJST 2-pin Extension Cable with On/Off Switch - JST PH2 - The Pi Hut
Adafruit RP2040 CAN Bus Feather with MCP2515 CAN Controller - STEMMA QT - The Pi HutAdafruit RP2040 CAN Bus Feather with MCP2515 CAN Controller - STEMMA QT - The Pi Hut
Stacking Headers for Feather - 12-pin and 16-pin female headers - The Pi HutStacking Headers for Feather - 12-pin and 16-pin female headers - The Pi Hut
Challenger+ RP2350 WiFi6/BLE5Challenger+ RP2350 WiFi6/BLE5
iLabsChallenger+ RP2350 WiFi6/BLE5
Sale price £23.20 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Header Kit for Feather - 12-pin and 16-pin Female Header Set - The Pi HutHeader Kit for Feather - 12-pin and 16-pin Female Header Set - The Pi Hut
Adafruit MIDI FeatherWing Kit - The Pi HutAdafruit MIDI FeatherWing Kit - The Pi Hut
AdafruitAdafruit MIDI FeatherWing Kit
Sale price £6.90 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Adafruit ESP32-S3 Reverse TFT Feather - 4MB Flash, 2MB PSRAM, STEMMA QT - The Pi HutAdafruit ESP32-S3 Reverse TFT Feather - 4MB Flash, 2MB PSRAM, STEMMA QT - The Pi Hut
Adalogger FeatherWing - RTC + SD Add-on For All Feather Boards - The Pi HutAdalogger FeatherWing - RTC + SD Add-on For All Feather Boards - The Pi Hut
Adafruit ESP32 Feather V2 with Headers - 8MB Flash + 2 MB PSRAM - STEMMA QT - The Pi HutAdafruit ESP32 Feather V2 with Headers - 8MB Flash + 2 MB PSRAM - STEMMA QT - The Pi Hut
Adafruit ESP32-S3 Feather with STEMMA QT / Qwiic - 8MB Flash No PSRAM - The Pi HutAdafruit ESP32-S3 Feather with STEMMA QT / Qwiic - 8MB Flash No PSRAM - The Pi Hut
Challenger RP2040 LTE MkII - The Pi HutChallenger RP2040 LTE MkII - The Pi Hut
iLabsChallenger RP2040 LTE MkII
Sale price £57 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Challenger+ RP2350 BConnectChallenger+ RP2350 BConnect
iLabsChallenger+ RP2350 BConnect
Sale price £14.10 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Male Header Set for Feather - 12-pin and 16-pin - The Pi HutMale Header Set for Feather - 12-pin and 16-pin - The Pi Hut
FeatherWing Proto - Prototyping Add-on For All Feather Boards - The Pi HutFeatherWing Proto - Prototyping Add-on For All Feather Boards - The Pi Hut
Challenger RP2040 LoRa (868MHz) - The Pi HutChallenger RP2040 LoRa (868MHz) - The Pi Hut
iLabsChallenger RP2040 LoRa (868MHz)
Sale price £19.70 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Adafruit Feather nRF52840 Sense - The Pi HutAdafruit Feather nRF52840 Sense - The Pi Hut
AdafruitAdafruit Feather nRF52840 Sense
Sale price £39.30 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Adafruit Feather 328P - Atmega328P 3.3V @ 8 MHz - The Pi HutAdafruit Feather 328P - Atmega328P 3.3V @ 8 MHz - The Pi Hut
AdafruitAdafruit Feather 328P - Atmega328P 3.3V @ 8 MHz
Sale price £12 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Adafruit HUZZAH32 – ESP32 Feather Board - The Pi HutAdafruit HUZZAH32 – ESP32 Feather Board - The Pi Hut
AdafruitAdafruit HUZZAH32 – ESP32 Feather Board
Sale price £19.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
FeatherWing Doubler - Prototyping Add-on For All Feather Boards - The Pi HutFeatherWing Doubler - Prototyping Add-on For All Feather Boards - The Pi Hut
Adafruit Feather M0 Adalogger - The Pi HutAdafruit Feather M0 Adalogger - The Pi Hut
AdafruitAdafruit Feather M0 Adalogger
Sale price £19.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Adafruit Feather RP2040 with RFM95 LoRa Radio - 915MHz - RadioFruit and STEMMA QT - The Pi HutAdafruit Feather RP2040 with RFM95 LoRa Radio - 915MHz - RadioFruit and STEMMA QT - The Pi Hut
Adafruit ESP32-S2 Feather - 2 MB PSRAM and STEMMA QT / QwiicAdafruit ESP32-S2 Feather - 2 MB PSRAM and STEMMA QT / Qwiic
36-pin Stacking header - pack of 5! - The Pi Hut36-pin Stacking header - pack of 5! - The Pi Hut
The Pi Hut36-pin Stacking header - pack of 5!
Sale price £5.90 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Adafruit Feather Mount for LEGO-Compatible Brick SystemsAdafruit Feather Mount for LEGO-Compatible Brick Systems
Adafruit Feather RP2040 Adalogger - 8MB Flash with microSD Card - STEMMA QT / QwiicAdafruit Feather RP2040 Adalogger - 8MB Flash with microSD Card - STEMMA QT / Qwiic
Adafruit Feather M0 with RFM95 LoRa Radio - 900MHz - The Pi HutAdafruit Feather M0 with RFM95 LoRa Radio - 900MHz - The Pi Hut
Challenger RP2040 Sub-GHz (868MHz, U.FL Connector) - The Pi HutChallenger RP2040 Sub-GHz (868MHz, U.FL Connector) - The Pi Hut
iLabsChallenger RP2040 Sub-GHz (868MHz, U.FL Connector)
Sale price £16 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Challenger RP2040 SD/RTC - The Pi HutChallenger RP2040 SD/RTC - The Pi Hut
iLabsChallenger RP2040 SD/RTC
Sale price £14 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Music Maker FeatherWing w/ Amp - MP3 OGG WAV MIDI Synth Player - The Pi HutMusic Maker FeatherWing w/ Amp - MP3 OGG WAV MIDI Synth Player - The Pi Hut
Adafruit ESP32-S2 TFT Feather - 4MB Flash, 2MB PSRAM, STEMMA QT - The Pi HutAdafruit ESP32-S2 TFT Feather - 4MB Flash, 2MB PSRAM, STEMMA QT - The Pi Hut
Adafruit Ethernet FeatherWing - The Pi HutAdafruit Ethernet FeatherWing - The Pi Hut
AdafruitAdafruit Ethernet FeatherWing
Sale price £19.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Adafruit Feather M0 RFM96 LoRa Radio - 433MHz - The Pi HutAdafruit Feather M0 RFM96 LoRa Radio - 433MHz - The Pi Hut
Adafruit Feather M0 Bluefruit LE - The Pi HutAdafruit Feather M0 Bluefruit LE - The Pi Hut
AdafruitAdafruit Feather M0 Bluefruit LE
Sale price £29.40 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Adafruit ESP32-S3 Feather 8MB with w.FL Antenna - The Pi HutAdafruit ESP32-S3 Feather 8MB with w.FL Antenna - The Pi Hut
AdafruitAdafruit ESP32-S3 Feather 8MB with w.FL Antenna
Sale price £16.60 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Adafruit Feather RP2040 with DVI Output Port - Works with HDMI - The Pi HutAdafruit Feather RP2040 with DVI Output Port - Works with HDMI - The Pi Hut
Adafruit Feather RP2040 RFM69 Packet Radio - 868 or 915MHz - RadioFruit and STEMMA QT - The Pi HutAdafruit Feather RP2040 RFM69 Packet Radio - 868 or 915MHz - RadioFruit and STEMMA QT - The Pi Hut
Challenger RP2040 NFC (with antenna) - The Pi HutChallenger RP2040 NFC (with antenna) - The Pi Hut
iLabsChallenger RP2040 NFC (with antenna)
Sale price £19.90 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Challenger RP2040 WiFi/BLE MkII (Chip Antenna) - The Pi HutChallenger RP2040 WiFi/BLE MkII (Chip Antenna) - The Pi Hut
iLabsChallenger RP2040 WiFi/BLE MkII (Chip Antenna)
Sale price £15 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Adafruit ESP32-S3 TFT Feather - 4MB Flash, 2MB PSRAM, STEMMA QT - The Pi HutAdafruit ESP32-S3 TFT Feather - 4MB Flash, 2MB PSRAM, STEMMA QT - The Pi Hut
Adafruit ESP32-S2 Feather with BME280 Sensor - STEMMA QT (4MB Flash + 2 MB PSRAM) - The Pi HutAdafruit ESP32-S2 Feather with BME280 Sensor - STEMMA QT (4MB Flash + 2 MB PSRAM) - The Pi Hut
Adafruit HalloWing M4 Express - ORANGE HALLOWEEN EDITION! - The Pi HutAdafruit HalloWing M4 Express - ORANGE HALLOWEEN EDITION! - The Pi Hut
Adafruit AirLift FeatherWing – ESP32 WiFi Co-Processor - The Pi HutAdafruit AirLift FeatherWing – ESP32 WiFi Co-Processor - The Pi Hut
FeatherWing Tripler Mini Kit - Prototyping Add-on For Feathers - The Pi HutFeatherWing Tripler Mini Kit - Prototyping Add-on For Feathers - The Pi Hut
Adafruit Power Relay FeatherWing - The Pi HutAdafruit Power Relay FeatherWing - The Pi Hut
AdafruitAdafruit Power Relay FeatherWing
Sale price £9.90 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Adafruit Feather M0 RFM69HCW Packet Radio - 868 or 915 MHz - The Pi HutAdafruit Feather M0 RFM69HCW Packet Radio - 868 or 915 MHz - The Pi Hut

Adafruit Feather are a complete line of development boards that are both standalone and stackable. They're able to be powered by lipo batteries for on-the-go use or by their USB ports for stationary projects. Feathers are flexible, portable, and as light as their namesake!

We also carry a complete line of accessories and Feather Wings to stack boards and add room for prototyping. At its core, the Adafruit Feather is a complete ecosystem of products - and the best way to get your project flying.