GPIO and Python (8/9) - LDR
In this project you will learn how to wire and program a light sensor and see how bright it is in your room. Things you will need: Raspberry Pi +...
GPIO and Python (7/9) - Temperature Sensor
In this project you will learn how to wire and program a temperature sensor. Let’s see how hot the room is. Things you will need: Raspberry Pi + SD Card...
GPIO and Python (6/9) - Buzzer
In this project you will learn how to wire and program a buzzer. Let’s all make lots of annoying noises. This will be an SOS program Things you will need:...
GPIO and Python (5/9) - User Input
In this project you will controller either the red or blue led depending on what your chose. Things you will need: Raspberry Pi + SD Card Keyboard + Mouse Monitor...
GPIO and Python (4/9) - Push Button
In this project you’ll learn how to make a LED blink! Things you will need: Raspberry Pi + SD Card Keyboard + Mouse Monitor + HDMI Cable Power Supply Breadboard...
GPIO and Python (3/9) - Blinking LED
In this project you’ll learn how to make a LED blink! Things you will need: Raspberry Pi + SD Card Keyboard + Mouse Monitor + HDMI Cable Power Supply Breadboard...
GPIO and Python (2/9) - LEDs
In this project you’ll learn how to turn on and off a LED Things you will need: Raspberry Pi + SD Card Keyboard + Mouse Monitor + HDMI Cable Power...
GPIO and Python (1/9) - Hello World
Run your first python program “hello world” Things you will need: Raspberry Pi + SD Card Keyboard + Mouse Monitor + HDMI Cable Power Supply Prerequisites: Latest version of Rasbian...
Getting Started with the Raspberry Pi TV HAT
In this tutorial we're going to set up the Raspberry Pi TV HAT to receive DVBT or DVBT-2 signals through a media centre setup using LibreELEC and Kodi. You will...
Fix that Laggy Mouse on your Raspberry Pi
If you find your wireless mouse acting very slow, or even "rubber banding", there's a simple fix! The Raspberry Pi's USB poll rate for mice has been set slightly on...
Disable Wifi Power Management on the Raspberry Pi
Update: It's been over 10 years since we published this blog, and it seems that the method here doesn't work on new boards/newer versions of Raspberry Pi OS. We'll look...
DS18B20+ One Wire Digital Temperature Sensor and the Raspberry Pi
NOTE: If you are using the latest software for your Pi (which you should be) then you will need to edit the boot config text file: Add the following line...