GPIO and Python (1/9) - Hello World
Run your first python program “hello world”
Things you will need:
Raspberry Pi + SD Card
Keyboard + Mouse
Monitor + HDMI Cable
Power Supply
Latest version of Rasbian installed on your SD Card
Raspberry Pi setup with a keyboard, mouse and monitor
1. Start by opening a Terminal, by click the icon in the taskbar
2. Start by creating a new directory, this is where we are going to store all our scripts for this series of tutorials, make a directory called gpio_python_code:
mkdir gpio_python_code
3. We can use the command ls -l to view the contents of the current directory:
ls -l
You should be able to see the directory you created
4. Now we need to change our current directory to the newly created gpio_python_code directory:
cd gpio_python_code
5. Using the touch command, we can create an empty file. This will be where we are going to code our Hello World script.
touch 1_helloworld.py
6. Once we have created our empty file, we can use the command nano, to open it in a text editor.
nano 1_helloworld.py
7. Now enter the following code:
#!/usr/bin/python #Print Hello world print "Hello World!"
8. Press ctrl+X to exit, you will be prompted to save the file, simply press Y, and then be you will be prompted to give the file a name.
It will automatically use its current name 1_helloworld.py, so just hit enter to accept.
9. To execute your script, simply enter the following command:
sudo python 1_helloworld.py