Getting a Piece of the Raspberry Pi
The Objective of the Raspberry Pi and Its Main Components The Raspberry Pi is a mini-sized computer that was developed by the Raspberry Pi Foundation in the UK as a...

Final PCB Design
This beautiful picture shows a visualisation of the printed circuit board (PCB) design. This is how the Raspberry Pi manages to be so small, and that collection of connections at...

Claire Pollard joins ModMyPi
Digital Marketer, Software Engineer and all round good egg Claire Pollard is joining ModMyPi as Technical Marketing Manager to help grow ModMyPi's established shop and build a vibrant source of...

Ebay Beta Board Final Prices
Wow great news. The 10 Raspberry Pi beta boards, which are ideal for collectors of first edition hardware, sold like hot cakes on the auction site ebay. Board 01 of 10...

Eben Interview at ARM TechCon
The following video shows an in-depth interview with Eben on the 'Raspberry Pee' (Watch the video and you'll get it). Also, the Raspberry Pi won the award for 'Best in Show'...

Eben Talks about the Raspberry Pi
Our hero Eben talking about the Raspberry Pi at the 'Educating Programmers Summit'. Here's a little breakdown of the key points he discusses: The Raspberry Pi Foundation is a University...

Build Your Own Z80 Computer by Steve Ciarcia (1981)
A blast from the past and a valuable resource, "Build Your Own Z80 Computer" is now available to download in a .pdf format! This set of design and application notes,...

Beta Boards on Ebay
The first 10 Raspberry Pi beta boards (numbered 1 - 10) are being auctioned off on ebay. All the money raised will go straight back into the Raspberry Pi Foundation....

Beta Board Demo Testing
Here's a nice short video (2 minutes) which demonstrates the graphical power and capabilities of the Raspberry Pi. The video features a short boot into Linux, a demonstration of 1080p...

An Interview with Eben
If your interested in a little Q&A session with Eben, Raspberry Pi's director. Then have a click on the link below: Eben's SlashDot Interview Eben answers various questions regarding the...

Alpha Boards in Manufacture
The team at Raspberry Pi have been working super hard over the last few months to get the Raspberry Pi schematic and PCB layout finalised. Electrically, the alpha board is...

5V Micro USB Power Supply
After a great deal of speculation the 5V Micro USB Jack has been confirmed to supply power to the Raspberry Pi board. Eben states this was for two reasons: "Ubiquity....