Aluminium Armour Heatsink Case Assembly Instructions
This guide will show you how to assemble the Aluminium Armour - Heatsink Case for Raspberry Pi 4. Step 1 – Unpack your case, you'll find a top layer, base layer...

Uses of Raspberry Pi
For any enthusiast, hobbyist or beginner, finding an appropriate project to get you started can help you to expand your skillset and delve into the world of Raspberry Pi. With...

A Comprehensive Guide to the Raspberry Pi 4
Maybe you are new to the world of Raspberry Pi, having received one as a gift. You might be considering seeing what all the fuss is about. Maybe you just...

Raspberry Pi Christmas Buying Guide 2019
We’re already in December, which is scary as we’ve been eating tubs of chocolates in the office for at least a solid month. That crept up fast again right?! There’s...

How To Keep Your Raspberry Pi 4 Cool
The Raspberry Pi 4 packs a mighty punch – the 1.5GHz Quad core Cortex-A72 is the best performing Raspberry Pi to date, but with great power comes great responsibility temperature. If you’re...

Product Improvement: Cool n’ Quiet
Earlier this year we released our new mini-fan case – a smart-looking case and cooling solution in one neat, affordable package. Whist this case keeps things VERY cool and has...

Which Raspberry Pi 4 is right for me?
The Raspberry Pi 4 is the first version of the popular Raspberry Pi Model B range to come in different RAM configurations, including the mighty 8GB powerhouse.Whilst choice is a...

Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Released!
It's here, the one you've all been waiting for: It's Raspberry Pi 4 day. So much has been crammed into the newest version of our favourite SBC, we don't even...

XBMC Media Centre on the RasPi
Want to use your Raspberry Pi as a 'one-for-all' home media system? Then load up XBMC distribution for the Raspberry Pi and you can! Here's a short video giving an...

Why has Raspberry Pi Taken the World by Storm?
The Raspberry Pi is a £22 single board computer made by the Raspberry Pi Foundation in UK. This credit-size computer doesn’t have an in-built hard disk, but is equipped with...

Which OS is Best?
Which OS is best? There are so many OS (Operating System) options out there for the Raspberry Pi, it makes choosing the right one for you a bit of a...

What you need to get started with the Raspberry Pi
What you need to get started with the Raspberry Pi The Raspberry Pi, just like any other computer you may have used, will need a few accessories for it to...