
No Starch Press Products

Showing 1 - 29 of 29 products
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Arduino Workshop - 2nd Edition - The Pi HutArduino Workshop - 2nd Edition - The Pi Hut
(3 Reviews)
No Starch PressArduino Workshop - 2nd Edition
Sale price £25.50
Maker's Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse - The Pi Hut
Learn Robotics with Raspberry Pi - The Pi HutLearn Robotics with Raspberry Pi - The Pi Hut
Raspberry Pi Projects for Kids - The Pi HutRaspberry Pi Projects for Kids - The Pi Hut
Linux Basics for Hackers - The Pi Hut
(2 Reviews)
No Starch PressLinux Basics for Hackers
Sale price £25.40
The Secret Life of Programs - The Pi HutThe Secret Life of Programs - The Pi Hut
Real-World Python - The Pi HutReal-World Python - The Pi Hut
(2 Reviews)
No Starch PressReal-World Python
Sale price £25.50
Math Hacks for Scratch - The Pi HutMath Hacks for Scratch - The Pi Hut
Python for Kids, 2nd Edition - The Pi Hut
Open Circuits - The Pi HutOpen Circuits - The Pi Hut
(2 Reviews)
No Starch PressOpen Circuits
Sale price £33
The Linux Command Line - 2nd Edition - The Pi HutThe Linux Command Line - 2nd Edition - The Pi Hut
Python Flash Cards - The Pi HutPython Flash Cards - The Pi Hut
(1 Review)
No Starch PressPython Flash Cards
Sale price £26.90 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Scratch 3 Programming Playground - The Pi HutScratch 3 Programming Playground - The Pi Hut
The Game Console 2.0 - The Pi HutThe Game Console 2.0 - The Pi Hut
(1 Review)
No Starch PressThe Game Console 2.0
Sale price £26.50
Electronics for Kids - The Pi HutElectronics for Kids - The Pi Hut
The Official Scratch Coding Cards (Scratch 3.0) - The Pi HutThe Official Scratch Coding Cards (Scratch 3.0) - The Pi Hut
Arduino for Arduinians - The Pi HutArduino for Arduinians - The Pi Hut
(2 Reviews)
No Starch PressArduino for Arduinians
Sale price £28
ScratchJr Coding Cards - The Pi HutScratchJr Coding Cards - The Pi Hut
No Starch PressScratchJr Coding Cards
Sale price £20.50 incl. VAT excl. VAT
Automate the Boring Stuff with Python, 2nd Edition - The Pi HutAutomate the Boring Stuff with Python, 2nd Edition - The Pi Hut
Arduino Playground - The Pi Hut
Beyond the Basic Stuff with Python - The Pi HutBeyond the Basic Stuff with Python - The Pi Hut
A Beginner's Guide to Circuits - The Pi Hut
(2 Reviews)
No Starch PressA Beginner's Guide to Circuits
Sale price £13
Coding in the Classroom - The Pi HutCoding in the Classroom - The Pi Hut
(1 Review)
No Starch PressCoding in the Classroom
Sale price £15
Arduino Inventor's Guide - The Pi HutArduino Inventor's Guide - The Pi Hut
Your Linux Toolbox - The Pi HutYour Linux Toolbox - The Pi Hut
(3 Reviews)
No Starch PressYour Linux Toolbox
Sale price £22
Coding with Minecraft - The Pi Hut
10 LED Projects for Geeks - The Pi Hut
The Art of Clean Code - The Pi Hut
Arduino Project Handbook Vol. 2 - The Pi Hut