
FlightAware Products
PiAware is a FlightAware Raspberry Pi ADS-B ground station solution to allow enthusiasts to track flights and contribute data to FlightAware.
With a Raspberry Pi, FlightAware USB SDR ADS-B Receiver and an official FlightAware ADS-B antenna, you can build your very own FlightAware ADS-B ground station at home, tracking flights as far as 300 miles away (results vary) and contributing to FlightAware’s tracking data!
You’ll also gain FlightAware benefits for contributing data to the network – live data access, access to up-to-the-second live data received by your device, data from your device highlighted on FlightAware logs, detailed statistics on your ground station performance and a free enterprise account!
We also stock our own affordable internal magnetic base antenna and a large 60cm antenna for external mounting.