Testing PCsensor's TEMPerHUM Part 4 - Linux (Software Logging)
Testing PCsensor's “TEMPerHUM” Phase 4: Testing PCsensor's “TEMPerHUM” in Linux environment In Phase 3 we talked about using TEMPerHUM temperature & humidity sensor in Linux GUI (graphical user interface)(graphical user...
Testing PCsensor's TEMPerHUM Part 3 - Linux (Hardware Logging)
Testing PCsensor's “TEMPerHUM” Phase 3: Testing PCsensor's “TEMPerHUM” in Linux environment As we discussed in Phase 1 & 2, it was possible to use TEMPerHUM on a Microsoft Windows -based...
Testing PCsensor's TEMPerHUM Part 2 - Windows XP (Hardware Logging)
Testing PCsensor's “TEMPerHUM” Phase 2: Testing PCsensor's “TEMPerHUM” in Windows XP environment As we discussed in Phase 1, it was needed to have .NET Framework installed on a Microsoft Windows...
Testing PCsensor's TEMPerHUM Part 1 - Windows XP (Software Logging)
Testing PCsensor's “TEMPerHUM” Phase 1: Testing PCsensor's “TEMPerHUM” in Windows XP environment At first I wanted to test this sensor device in Microsoft Windows environments for which the producer dispatched...
Simple, low powered NAS
What you will need: 1x Raspberry Pi 2x External Hard Drives 1x USB Powered Hub We will assume you have Raspbian installed, and are fully up-to-date. So first thing to...
Setting up a Wireless Access Point - NAT Method (internet over wireless interface)
In this tutorial we will show you how to setup your Raspberry Pi as a WiFi Access Point and how to NAT the access point to your wireless internet connection....
Sense Hat Fireworks
It's November the 5th, everyone is heading out to watch the fireworks and play with sparklers, but this year we fancied making our own little home display. The Raspberry Pi...
Raspberry Pi GPIO Sensing: Motion Detection
In previous tutorials, we outlined the basics behind physical computing and the Raspberry Pi by activating LEDs and scripts using a simple one button circuit. If you haven’t read the...
Raspberry Pi Quick Start Guide
Raspberry Pi Quick Start Guide Now you've got everything you need to get started with your Raspberry Pi, it's time to plug it all in! Start by inserting the micro...
Ryanteck Traffic HAT - GPIO Zero
Following on from the previous tutorial of blinking an LED using GPIO Zero we're going to expand into creating a traffic light program. However instead of using the separate modules...
Ryanteck Traffic HAT - Blinking LED
Blinking an LED in python has become really easy due to the new GPIO Zero library. There's a few different ways. Lets begin by just turning the amber LED on....
Ryanteck SnowPi - Test Program
The following code will blink each LED one at a time. GPIO Zero Setup Instructions can be found here You can run this code by putting it into a python...