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Raspberry Pi Build HAT
Overall good hat. Easy to install and use. I have been able to run Python examples and drive motors in just 5 minutes. The need for an external power supply creates some additional constraints especially for creations needing mobility such as robots or rovers. But there are possible solutions and an additional battery pack can do the job.
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1 year ago
Raspberry Pi Build HAT
It simply works. There isn't much more to say.
I purchased the "Build HAT" with a "Raspberry Pi 4 Model B" and a "HiPi Pi4 Model B case".
It took about 2 hours from unboxing everything to having a Python script running on my Windows PC communicating via a socket to another Python script on the RPi, controlling two Lego motors connected to the Build HAT. I just plugged everything together and it worked.
The most difficult part of the set-up (not included in the initial 2 hours) was drilling and filing neat holes in the HiPi case to fit the connectors on the build HAT.
The main reason why I haven't given this 5 stars is the limited speed range I was able to achieve with "Lego 88018 Medium Angular Motor". The python library on the RPi that drives the Build HAT allows the speed of the motor from 0 to +-100. I found that for low speeds (lower than about 30) the motor did not rotate smoothly. Instead, it constantly jerked and stopped. I don't know if this was the fault of the python library, the Build HAT or the motor. It's not a major issue because I can compensate with an extra gear in the lego design.
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2 years ago
Raspberry Pi Build HAT
There appears to be a bit of a problem with the basic functionality of the buildhat.
Have a look at this thread here….
Other commentators I have come across on YouTube have also commented on latency issues with the buildhat and Lego motors.
I have experienced similar random ‘device not found’ issues as well, and I’m not doing anything complicated at all, but get these random errors in a basic move/sense loop after a couple of minutes of movement.
Bit rubbish really, when this is precisely what the product is supposed to do.
Feels like a beta release……
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3 years ago