Raspberry Pi Roundup - 9th October 2015


Here's a couple of bits and pieces about the SenseHAT. The first is a video. In it, Matt Richardson, the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s ‘man in the States’ talks about AstroPi, the SenseHAT and sending them up into space. It’s all in aid of getting kids interested in coding. He was speaking from the ARM booth at MakerFaire.

The second is about using the HAT with an online stats-collection service from Initial State. Charles Gantt has been blogging about his latest project, the Foginator 2000,over at Element 14. His latest instalment deals with taking readings from the SenseHAT and then sending them to the cloud via a service called Initial State. He’s written the whole thing as a tutorial so that you can replicate his experiments. Read it here. Initial State is a very nice way of publishing readings such as those you can get from the SenseHAT and has a load of built-in visualisation tools and dashboard elements. Best of all, it’s free!


Initial State continue their association with Pi this week with the introduction of a new, free course that aims to get you up-and-running with the Internet of Things using a Pi and their online service. Head over to their site to read more.


Martin O’Hanlon has created a Python class that interrogates the JSON feed data from Piaware (the Pi implementation of FlightAware), exposing that data to any Python script that you might care to write. The class, FlightData, is available to download from Martin’s GitHub repository. You can read more about the class and see an example script over on Martin’s blog.

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