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This is a LoRa™ Expansion Board for Raspberry Pi with a HopeRF LoRa(TM) radio module installed in the CE1 slot (select required frequency before adding to cart)
Supplied with a header and standoffs and comes with the SME and a 433MHz LoRa(TM) module installed. An additional module can be installed in CE0 position.
Why the CE1 slot? If you plan to use this board in conjunction with the Pi In The Sky system only modules in CE1 are supported.
The board has LEDs for internet, network and CE0/1 data. Supplied with a 2x20 way 4.93mm header and 2 standoffs for secure attachment to your Pi.
The RFM95/98W transceivers feature the LoRa(TM) long-range modem that provides ultra-long range spread spectrum communication and high interference immunity whilst minimising current consumption.
Check out the Pi Zero version here!
Official Datasheet for the modules available here