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PiTray clip is a Din Rail mounter for Single Board Computers like Raspberry Pi. Assembled of a 304 Stainless Steel blended plate and nylon clip with spring, it provides a simple, quick, strong, and durable Din Rail installation solution suitable for industrial setup, home automation application as well as cluster building.
PiTray clip compatible for Raspberry Pi 4B/3A+/3B+/3B/2B/1B+/1A/Zero W/Zero, NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX Developer KIT/Jetson Nano Developer Kit/Jetson Nano 2GB Developer Kit , PINE64 Rock64/PINE H64 Model B , Hardkernel ODROID C4/C2/C1+ , ASUS Tinker Board 2S/2/T/S , Coral Dev Board , Sourcekit PiTray mini.