The Cluster HAT v2.5 interfaces a Raspberry Pi 4 (or older A+/B+/2/3) with 4 Raspberry Pi Zero W boards (not compatible with the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W due to the additional power the Zero 2 requires).
Configured to use USB Gadget mode, it is an ideal tool for teaching, testing or simulating small scale clusters.
USB Gadget Mode: Ethernet and Serial Console
Onboard 4 port USB 2.0 hub
Raspberry Pi Zeros are powered via Controller Pi GPIO
Individual Raspberry Pi Zero power controlled via Controller Pi GPIO
As with most things there are many ways to configure the ClusterHAT. If you know what you're doing with Linux kernel Gadget mode and networking you can probably skip most of these.
Assembly- Connecting the ClusterHAT (plugging/unplugging the Pi Zeros).
Software- Installing our Customised Raspbian for the Controller and Zeros.