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The original Adafruit Motorshield kit is one of our most beloved, so we decided to make something even better. We have upgraded the shield kit to make the best, easiest way to drive DC and Stepper motors. This shield will make quick work for your next robotics project! We kept the ability to drive up to 4 DC motors or 2 stepper motors but added many improvements:
Instead of an L293D Darlington driver, we now have the TB6612 MOSFET drivers with 1.2A per channel current capability (you can draw up to 3A peak for approximately 20ms at a time). It also has much lower voltage drops across the motor, so you get more torque out of your batteries, and there are built-in flyback diodes as well.
Instead of using a latch and the Arduino's PWM pins, we have a fully dedicated PWM driver chip onboard. This chip handles all the motor and speed controls over I2C. Only two data pins (SDA & SCL in addition to the power pins GND & 5V) are required to drive the multiple motors, and since it's I2C, you can also connect any other I2C devices or shields to the same pins. This makes it drop-in compatible with any Arduino, such as the Uno, Due, Leonardo, and Mega R3.
Completely stackable design: 5 address-select pins means up to 32 stackable shields: 64 steppers or 128 DC motors! What on earth could you do with that many steppers? I have no idea, but if you come up with something, send us a photo because that would be a pretty glorious project.
There are lots of other little improvements, such as a polarity protection FET on the power pins and a prototyping area. The shield is assembled and tested here at Adafruit, so all you have to do is solder on straight or stacking headers and the terminal blocks.
Let's check out these specs again:
Comes with an assembled & tested shield, terminal block, plain header, and jumper. Some soldering is required to assemble the headers. Stacking headers are not included, but we sell them in the shop so if you want to stack shields, please pick them up at the same time. Arduino and motors are not included but we have lots of motors in the shop and all our hobby servos, DC motors, and stepper motors work great.
Note: The terminal block included with your product may be blue or black.
We have a great tutorial in the Adafruit Learning System with documentation and example code, so please check it out.