3 x AA Battery Holder with 2.1mm Plug

Sale price £2.60
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Here's another addition to our growing family of AA battery holders. A holder for three (3) AA batteries! It's got an 8" long power cable with a 2.1mm DC jack at the end, and, oh yes, it's in classy Adafruit black.

This battery holder connects 3 AA batteries together for powering all kinds of projects. Three AA's add up to about 3.6 when using rechargeable NiMH batteries or around 4.5V when using alkaline cells - a very similar range to Lithium Ion/polymer (Li-Ion) batteries. That makes them ideal for use with 3.3V projects (of course, you can't recharge them like Li-Ion/Polys, so don't try to plug this into one of our Li-Ion/Poly charger boards!).

The power cable is 200mm long with a DC jack with 2.1mm ID with centre-positive polarity.

Batteries not included.

Technical Details

  • Holder Dimensions (excluding cable): 58 x 48 x 14.5mm
  • Cable length: 200mm

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