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This is an interesting new style of LCD display from Waveshare, with rounded corners for an almost smartwatch-style look about it - we're REALLY excited to see what you do with this one!
Driven by 4-wire SPI, this 1.47" (weird huh?) display has a 172x320 resolution (weird again!) and offers 262K RGB colours. Controlled by an ST7789V3 driver, it can be used with most popular development platforms such as the Raspberry Pi and Arduino.
The display comes with an 8-pin PH2.0 cable with female jumper wire ends for connecting to your microcontroller.
Label | Description |
VCC | Power (3.3V/5V) |
GND | Ground |
DIN | SPI data input |
CLK | SPI clock input |
CS | Chip selection, low active |
DC | Data/Command selection (high for data, low for command) |
RST | Reset, low acive |
BL | Backlight |