Raspberry Pi Zero Micro USB WiFi Dongle Set-Up Guide
This tutorial is aimed at those who are looking to use our micro USB WiFi dongle with their Raspberry Pi Zero. You need some way of setting up a WiFi connection without the dongle being plugged in, as you'll need to have your keyboard/mouse plugged in, taking up the only micro USB port on the Pi Zero!
Once the WiFi connection has been setup, you'll then be able to unplug your keyboard/mouse and plug your micro USB WiFi dongle in, and access your Pi via SSH or any other internet related method!
Start by editing the wpa-supplicant config file:
sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
Add the following snippet, replacing the details with your own.
Exit and save the file with Ctrl+X followed by Y, then Enter.
Shutdown your Pi.
sudo shutdown -h now
Plug in your WiFi dongle, and power the Pi back up. Your Pi should automatically now connect to your network!