Nwazet Pi B Camera Box Assembly Instructions
The laser-cut part of the camera box are protected by an adhesive film which needs to be removed before assembly.
Bill of Materials
- Raspberry Pi Model B
- Raspberry Pi Camera
- 6x black matte acrylic plates
- 3x thin clear acrylic plates
- 4x 1/4" black screws
- 4x 3/8" black screws
- 4x hex nuts
- 2x 1/4" F/F hex standoffs
- 2x 3/4" M/F hex standoffs
- 4x rubber feet
Optional for wall mounting:
- wall mount
- 2x M5 screws
- 2x M5 nuts
- magnetic lens
Note: Acrylic is a hard and stiff plastic which is sensitive to stress concentrations and shares a certain level of fragility with glass. Acrylic can scratch easily and should be cleaned with a mild solution of dish detergent and warm water. Never use cleaners unsuitable for acrylic. Never use a dry, abrasive cloth.
Here are all the pieces from the bill of materials, before the acrylic pieces have had their protective film peeled off.
- Peel off the protective film from both sides of all the acrylic pieces.
Orientate the RPi Model B so that the Raspberry Pi Logo is upright, then insert a ¾” male/female standoff into each mounting holes on the board and secure on the underside of the board with a ¼” standoff.
If you are not using the optional wall mount, you can skip this part. If you are, locate the two M5 screws and nuts.
Insert the two M5 screws into the two corresponding holes of the bottom of the case and through the wall mount. The heads of the screws should be on the inside of the box
Make sure the wall mount and the bottom plate are properly aligned, then secure the wall mount onto the bottom of the case with the two M5 nuts.
Now we are going to fix the pi to the bottom plate.
First thing we need to do is put the ethernet/usb port wall in place on the pi. Making sure the vents of the wall are next to the USB ports, and the thicker edge of the wall is facing down. Place the USB ports through the cut-out in the wall.
Now we can fix the pi to the bottom plate. Simply line up the mounting holes on the Pi with the holes on the bottom plate, and secure from the underside using the ¼” black screws.
Take the camera ribbon cable and attach one end to the Raspberry Pi’s camera connector, located in between the HDMI port and the ehternet port. Very gently pull up both ends of the top part of the connector. It should make a small clicking sound and should move a little around the connector, leaving enough space to easily insert the camera's ribbon cable. Insert the camera's ribbon cable into the camera connector, making sure the contacts face the HDMI port. Holding the cable to the bottom of the connector, and making sure it remains properly aligned, push the top part of the connector back down. The cable should now be securely attached to the Raspberry Pi.
Make sure you have the remaining 3 camera box walls in the correct orientation (check image for reference, the edges marked with an arrow should be facing up, opposite side slotting into the bottom plate) and slot them into position around the Raspberry Pi.
Now this is probably the trickiest step, attaching the camera module.
Firstly, we are going to attach the rear camera mounting plate as well as the camera ribbon cable at the same time. Take the thin clear piece that has the rectangle and T shape cut outs, make sure you have the orientation correct (see image for reference) then place it onto the rear of the camera module. Once in place, attach the camera ribbon to the camera module so that the ribbon is on top of the clear acrylic piece.
Get the top plate, the 4x 7/16” black screws and the thin clear piece that has the circle cut out. Making sure that the engraved circle (around the square cut out) is facing outwards, place the thin acrylic piece on top, and poke the screws through.
Now place the thin clear piece that has the L shape cut out on to the front of the camera module, making sure to get the correct orientation (see image for reference)
With the top plate flipped over…
…carefully slot the assembled camera unit into place over the 4 screws and fasten with the hex nuts (see image for reference)
Place the top plate onto the camera box walls and fast and fasten with the remaining 2 ¼” black screws
- If you are adding a lens - In the little lens box, you will find a magnetic metal ring. Peel off the blue protective film, peel off the self-adhesive backing and stick the metal ring to the front of the case around the camera lens. Be sure to press it on nice an firm so you get a good fit.
- Now simply place the lens onto the magnetic ring!