Itead GSM Case Assembly InstructionsItead GSM Case Assembly Instructions

Itead GSM Case Assembly Instructions

The laser-cut parts of the case are protected by an adhesive film which needs to be removed before assembly.

Bill of Materials

  • Raspberry Pi B+/2/3
  • Itead GSM Breakout Board
  • 8x Acrylic Pieces
  • 4x M2.5 x 8mm M/F Stand Off
  • 4x M2.5 x 18mm M/F Stand Off
  • 4x M2.5 16mm F/F Stand Off
  • 4x M2.5 Nylon Washer
  • 8x M2.5 Black Screw

NOTE: Acrylic is a hard and stiff plastic which is sensitive to stress concentrations and shares a certain level of fragility with glass. Acrylic can scratch easily and should be cleaned with a mild solution of dish detergent and warm water. Never use cleaners unsuitable for acrylic. Never use a dry, abrasive cloth.

Here are the parts from the case kit:

Follow these images checking parts and orientation of the acrylic pieces. You will see a before and after image for each step. Make sure you have all the parts ready, shown in the before picture.

Start by inserting the M2.5x18mm M/F Stand Offs into each of the mounting holes on the Itead GSM breakout board. Flip the board over and add a nylon washer to each of the stand offs. Secure in place using the M2.5x16mm F/F Stand Offs.

Plug the GSM breakout board on to the Pi's GPIO header. Secure the breakout board in place by inserting the M2.5x8mm M/F Stand Offs from the underside of the Pi.

Next we need to attach the bottom plate of the case to our pi/breakout board stack. Simply place the stack onto the bottom plate and fasten from the underside using the M2.5 black screws. You may not want to do the screws up tight yet. Leaving them a little loose will help with the next step.

Now we can add each of the side walls. Starting with the USB/Ethernet Plate, then the Power/HDMI plate and continue round clockwise. The pink arrows indicate the pips on the plate that should be inserted into the bottom plate.

Get the top plate and flip it over so that the engraved text is facing the table. Now add each of the buttons to the button cut outs on the top plate. Insert the shorter side.

Leaving the top plate face down on the table (button legs facing up) grab the rest of the case, being careful not to let the side plates come apart, and turn it over, placing it onto the top plate. Make sure all the pips line up correctly.

Grab the whole lot, flip it back over so that the engraved text is now facing you, and secure the top plate down using the M2.5 black screws.

That's the case assembled! Don't forgot to add the antenna afterwards.

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