A new issue of the MagPi, a nationwide schools competition and a scary mask in a box in today's Raspberry Pi Roundup
The MagPi
You may have missed it on our site, so I thought I'd mention it here. The MagPi has just published issue 51. It’s a great issue and features a massive robot build guide by Brian Corteil. Also covered is Bethanie Fentiman’s robotic wizard chess and how to make an underwater camera robot. It’s all very… robotic! Buy the hard copy from The Pi Hut.
Schools Competition
PA Consulting has announced that their annual Raspberry Pi competition is now open for entry. This year’s competition is looking for entries under the (very open) title of “Innovation for All”. Teams enter in the following categories:
- PA’s primary school award: academic years 4-6
- PA’s secondary school award: academic years 7-11
- PA’s sixth form and college award: academic years 12-13
The winning team in each category will receive £1,000 prize money.
Read more about the competition and register your interest here.
Halloween - Ghoul in a Box
David Pride (he of the Pi-driven Connect 4 game along with other wonderful hacks!) has been at it again. In the hope of scaring the begeezus out of trick-or-treaters, he’s hooked up a motorised mechanism to his Pi that will launch a spring-loaded trellis. On top of the trellis is a terrifying ghoul mask. An ultrasonic sensor detects people approaching and the trellis is then activated, with accompanying scary sounds, of course. It runs off batteries making it ‘headless’ (ha-ha). You can read about the build on David’s blog and see a video of it in action below: