5 Tips To Buying A Raspberry Pi Zero
Top Tips:
- Sign up to our weekly newsletter (see page footer) - this is the primary way that we let customers know when the next Raspberry Pi Zero batch is due!
- Follow us on Twitter - we also post stock updates here.
- There are a LOT of you out there looking to get your hands on a Raspberry Pi Zero - so make sure you get here on time!
- We'd advise browsing the site for accessories a few hours before the launch, that way your basket is all set for the Zero to be available
- There is a way to beat the dreaded "inventory issues" screen - See below for details
WSOD - "inventory issues"
The dreaded "Inventory issues" screen - We received a lot of emails about this during our last launch.
Here's an example:
Say we have 1000 units in stock, when a customer reaches the checkout the stock in their basket becomes "held" for them while they complete their purchase. The above screen is common for the PiZero as thousands of people are all trying to buy the same item - in this example there is 1000 people going through the checkout process, which is why the stock is showing on the website, but not available to you when you go to checkout.
The trick:
Rather than giving up, getting angry and sending us abusive emails (and losing your place in the queue)... Use your F5 (refresh) key!
Keep refreshing your page, it is very likely that someone with stock "held" for them will leave the checkout which should (in theory) then allocate that stock to you!