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This is a new version of the popular pico break outboard, now with additional power filtering. The board is assembled with a uBLOX MAX-M8C-10 module, chip antenna and a decoupling capacitors.
This board has VCC, GND and RX & TX, SCL & SDA for I2C.
IMPORTANT: This module has no onboard voltage regulation so a clean regulated 1.8 - 3.6v power is required. If you want to link this to your microcontroller you must ensure it runs at 1.8 to 3.6v on the serial/I2C or you will risk damaging this module. Arduinos/PC Serial generally run at 5V so you will need a level converter.
There is no provision for battery backup (V_BCKUP is hard tied to VCC).
The MAX-8 Family
The MAX-8 family delivers all the benefits of the u-BLOX 8 GPS platform in a more compact form factor than ever before: high-sensitivity, intelligent power management.
MAX comes in an ultra-compact, easy-to-mount 9.7mm x 10.1mm LCC package, and supports temperatures down to -40'C.
This module is designed to be as light as possible, weight is very light at 1.5g