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Fit a pHAT fiddle-free! These solderless pogo GPIO pins, nuts, bolts, and spacers make fitting a pHAT to your Pi Zero super-quick and easy. Pogo-a-go-go!
Pogo pins are springy and normally used for test jigs (we use them for this in the workshop), but it turns out they make a super-simple way to fit pHATs to Pi Zeros, no tools required! We've had these ones specially engineered so that they're just the right size to give a reliable electrical contact between Pi Zero and pHAT.
Because they're non-permanent, you can easily switch them around between different projects, no hassle. If you're brave and gentle, you can use just the two mounting holes closest to the header and make this kit stretch to two Pi Zeros and pHATs (assuming they use less than ten pins in total).