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This is the ultimate cardboard construction kit for your squad.
Be it family or friends, young or old, solo, duo or more.. this toolbox contains all the age suitable tools needed to collaborate and make just about anything from up-cycled cardboard.
Imagine costumes, vehicles, forts and creatures! An immersive, hack-able world of your own making is at your fingertips.
This toolbox has every tool in the Makedo arsenal so you and your crew can perfect the art of cardboard construction.
Makedo needs little introduction; find some cardboard, grab some Makedo tools and get started.
The awesomeness of Makedo is that children learn by doing, creating, experimenting, failing and maybe succeeding but that's not essential.
The creations then open the door to imaginative play where the child is protagonist in a hack-able world of their own making.
Makedo is designed to meet and exceed international safety requirements for toys.
This product has been independently tested to an age grading of 3+ and complies to the following international standards:
- ASTM F963
- Canada Toys Regulations SOR
- AS/NZS 8124
PRÈCAUTION! Danger d’ètouffement - Petits èlèments
PRUDENCIA! Peligro de atragantamiento - Partes pequeñas
VORSICHET! Erstickungsgefahr - Kleine Teile