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Tip cleaner/tinner is a fast and effective product for cleaning and re-tinning de-wetted soldering irons that cannot be re-tinned by sponges, pads or rosin-cored solder wire.
This cleaner is a small block of electronics grade lead-free solder powder and flux compacted into the shape of a thick disc, applicable for both lead and lead-free applications. It is packaged in a metal container complete with lid and self-adhesive pad on the underside so that it can be readily affixed to any convenient surface.
The soldering iron should be at normal working temperature and loose debris should be wiped from its surface. It should then be wiped gently across the surface of the TTC-LF to produce local melting. There is no need to use a scrubbing action or undue pressure.
If the iron is too cool (<220°C), residue inactivation cannot be assured. If it is too high (>450°C) re-tinning may be impaired. After re-tinning, the soldering iron tip should be wiped as normal on a damp sponge. It will then be ready for re-use.