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Behold, the ST LSM6DSO32: The latest in a long line of quality Accelerometer+Gyroscope 6-DOF IMUs from ST. This IMU is like a big sister to the LSM6DSOX; it has the same pinout and firmware - but the accelerometer component can go up to 32g instead of the normal 16g maximum.
This IMU sensor has 6 degrees of freedom - 3 degrees each of linear acceleration and angular velocity at varying rates within a respectable range. For the accelerometer: ±4/±8/±16/±32 g at 1.6 Hz to 6.7KHz update rate. For the gyroscope: ±125/±250/±500/±1000/±2000 dps at 12.5 Hz to 6.7 kHz. There are also some nice extras, such as built-in tap detection, activity detection, pedometer/step counter, and a programmable finite state machine / machine learning core that can perform some basic gesture recognition.
For interfacing, you can use either SPI or I2C - there are two configurable interrupt pins. For advanced usage, you can attach additional devices to an external I2C/SPI port - used for optical image stabilization.
To make getting started fast and easy, we placed the sensors on compact breakout boards with voltage regulation and level-shifted inputs. That way you can use them with 3V or 5V power/logic devices without worry.
Additionally, since it speaks I2C you can easily connect it up with two wires (plus power and ground!). We've even included SparkFun qwiic compatible STEMMA QT connectors for the I2C bus so you don't even need to solder! QT Cable is not included, but we have a variety in the shop. Just wire up to your favorite micro like the STM32F405 Feather with a plug-and-play cable to get 6-DoF data ASAP.