4xAA USB Battery Holder with Cover and Switch

Sale price £2.50
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This battery holder accepts 4x AA batteries and features a USB (female) output giving you a different way to power your project compared to traditional battery holders. The onboard switch allows convenient power control and the slide-out top cover makes it quick and easy to change batteries.

In terms of voltage, AA batteries are usually available in 1.2V (rechargeable/carbon-zinc) or 1.5V (alkaline), meaning this USB battery holder can offer between 4.8V and 6V depending on which battery chemistry is used and their condition.

You may be able to use this with your 5V development board if it allows a wide input range, however we think this might be better for powering simpler circuits and projects. Perhaps combine with a USB breakout cable or simply splice one of your old unwanted cables at home?

We also offer a more compact AAA version but will offer a reduced run time. For a lower voltage range, check out our 3x AA version which is good for 3.6V to 4.5V.


  • 4x AA battery holder
  • Can be used with rechargeable or standard AA batteries
  • Up to 4.8V to 6V output (depending on battery type and condition/charge)
  • On/Off switch for power control
  • USB-A female output
  • Slide-off battery cover (no screw included)
  • Dimensions (approximate)
    • Battery box: 69mm x 64mm x 19mm
    • Cable length (to tip): 110mm

Batteries not included

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