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pi-topPULSE is an accessory by pi-top to help build STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) based projects with music, lights and sound. The accessory can be used with pi-top or pi-topCEED, and furthermore as an add-on board to the Raspberry Pi 3. The microphone can be used to record music and a DIY cloud-based voice service for students to ask Computer Science related questions.
Simply learn, play or create fun projects in lesson plans. The projects are suitable for beginners or experts aged 8 and over.
LED Array
• Snake
• Pong
• Flappy Birds
• Sonic pi to code music
• General for listening to music
• Siri (where questions are typed)
• Sample music recording
• Voice recording
Combined projects
• Create your own DIY cloud-based voice service, with Amazon Alexa
• Light show with sonic pi
• Pixel Game with sound
• Tamagotchi
LED Light array
• 7x7 programmable RGB LED (49) Matrix
• Fully configurable and easy to program - use Python to make patterns and pictures
• High refresh-rate makes it perfect for animations that synchronise to sounds - either from the speaker, or the in-built microphone
• 7 more LEDs are concealed around the board for fun - 3 on the bottom and 4 under the speaker grill - to put on a spectacular show of colour and sound
• 2 watt 4 ? speaker
• Designed to integrate with Amazon Alexa, for a fully interactive ’smart’ cloud-based voice service
• Raspberry Pi 3 and pi-top add-on compatible.
• Dimensions: 67 x 60.5 x 15 mm (LxWxH)
• Weight: 40.5 g
• 4 magnetic feet for pi-top and pi-topCEED
• 2 magnetic-spacers for Raspberry Pi 3
• White injection mould ABS plastic
• Raspberry Pi 3 and pi-top add-on compatible