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ATOMS3 Dev Kit with 0.85" Display
I wanted a simpler way to control my mattress during the night, without the hassle of unlocking my phone and navigating the app. That’s when I had the idea to use the ATOMS3 Dev Kit to create a small, dedicated button for temperature control. This tiny ESP32 device features an integrated display and button, making it perfect for the task.
The device shows the current temperature, target heating level, sleep stage, and bed state on its display. With a press of the button, you can cycle through predefined temperature settings, and it integrates seamlessly with Home Assistant for enhanced automation and control.
I have a Github repo with all the ESPhome code and automations if anybody is interested https://github.com/jkpe/eight-sleep-m5stack-atoms3
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2 months ago
ATOMS3 Dev Kit with 0.85" Display
Cute S3 device with plenty of flash. The 18-bit RGB 128x128 display is great for status displays and even shows images such as photo ID quite well. They could take a little more care getting the display orientated - I have several now and the displays are not quite square with the surround.
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11 months ago
ATOMS3 Dev Kit with 0.85" Display
Cute little M5Stack Atom cuboid. The pin-out is compatible with the other Atom and AtomS3 devices. (Note that the pin numbers are different between the S3 and vanilla ESP32 Atom underside & Grove GPIOs though.) The 128x12 display is quite clear with 18-bits per pixel (RGB 6-6-6) and displays graphics and text well - I'm using gfonts://Roboto+Mono @ 14pt to give a very readable 7 lines of 16 characters. I've been using ESPHome with both the ESP32-IDF & Arduino framework options and the display is supported on both using the following.
board: esp32-s3-devkitc-1
flash_size: 8MB
type: arduino (or esp32-idf)
clk_pin: 17
mosi_pin: 21
platform: ili9xxx
height: 128
width: 128
offset_height: 1
offset_width: 2
model: st7789v
data_rate: 80MHz
cs_pin: 15
dc_pin: 33
reset_pin: 34
invert_colors: true
mirror_x: true
mirror_y: true
I've been able to refresh simple animated graphics at around 20Hz using this.
The I2C IMU is also supported and the display backlight can be driven via the LEDC PWM driver. The IR transmitter is supported using the ESP32 RMT hardware as well.
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11 months ago
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