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This Weather Board is an easy-to-use carrier board / HAT designed to simplify the connection of weather sensors to the Raspberry Pi. The Pi itself is ideal for building a DIY weather station; it has built-in WiFi for sending data, camera capabilities, and best of all, it can be programmed remotely – no need to stand out in the rain updating software!
But with just a GPIO header to connect to on the Pi, connecting weather sensors can be a bit messy – so we decided to design a board to make it a little more user-friendly, while still allowing for some choice in sensors. The board adds a 4-channel, 12-bit Analog to Digital Converter (ADC), breakouts for I2C, SPI, and Serial, an onboard footprint for the Adafruit BME280 (Temperature, Pressure, Humidity), RJ11 connections for the SparkFun Weather Meters, a connection point for the DS18B20 Temperature Sensor (with onboard pull-up resistor), and a spot to plug in a Servo motor. There is also an extra RJ11 connector that breaks out the three additional analogue inputs – these extra analogue inputs could be connected to a thermistor, soil moisture sensor, or even a simple CDS photocell.
Please Note: Sensors, Raspberry Pi, Enclosure, and HAT header are sold separately.