4 x AA Battery Holder with On/Off Switch

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This battery holder takes 4x AA cells (standard or rechargeable AA batteries) and features a clip-on cover - great for robotics projects!

The holder usually outputs between 4.8V-6V depending on the batteries used and their level of charge. An on/off switch is included on the lid for convenient power control.

The wires are finished with standard 0.1" male headers for use on a breadboard or similar, however these can be snipped off for wiring to terminals or soldering.

Note: Don't plug this directly into a 5V microcontroller without regulating the voltage!


  • Accepts 4x AA batteries
  • Dimensions: Approx. 63.5mm x 67.5mm x 19mm
  • Cable length: ~150mm
  • Weight: 34.9g

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