Raspberry Pi Roundup - a pi-top v2 review, news about Pi Wars: Scotland and an interview with Pi creator Eben UptonRaspberry Pi Roundup - a pi-top v2 review, news about Pi Wars: Scotland and an interview with Pi creator Eben Upton

Raspberry Pi Roundup - a pi-top v2 review, news about Pi Wars: Scotland and an interview with Pi creator Eben Upton

pi-top Review

The pi-top is the pre-eminent laptop solution for Raspberry Pi users. It started life as a 2014 IndieGoGo crowdfunding campaign before being made available for retail. An improved product, the Version 2, was released in October 2017. Over on my blog, myself and Tim Richardson have written a comprehensive review of the new version and you can read it here. If you'd like to buy a pi-top, you can get one from us at The Pi Hut.

Pi Wars: Scotland

The first Pi Wars Scotland is going to take place on Saturday, 26th May at University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.

This event, which is being run by Martin Evans and Philip Thompson, is the first to take place in Scotland and has the full backing of Pi Wars: Cambridge organisers Mike Horne and Tim Richardson.

Pi Wars Scotland is a one day, challenge-based robotics competition in which Raspberry Pi-controlled robots are created by teams and then compete in various non-destructive challenges to earn points. Prizes and Medals are awarded at the end of the day in a ceremony.

If you’d like to apply to take part, please fill in this application form. If you have any questions, please contact them.

If you’re interested in spectating at this year’s event in Cambridge which is happening on 21st-22nd April, head over to the piwars.org website.

The Life Scientific

Eben Upton, one of the creators of the Raspberry Pi, is known to many of you. Well, he’s been given the BBC Radio 4 treatment on their programme The Life Scientific. You can listen to the interview here.

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