Raspberry Pi Roundup - 16th March 2015
The Raspberry Jamboree starts this Friday in Preston. It is being held this year at Our Lady’s Catholic High School, Preston, PR2 3SQ. It is a three-day event in which people of all ages and all levels of experience come together and celebrate all things Pi. On Friday during the day there is a teachers-only CPD event which will help them get into the Raspberry Pi and learn how it can be used in the classroom. This is followed in the afternoon/evening by a Family Hack Jam in which families get together to tackle various programming puzzles. The main Jamboree event is happening on the Saturday & Sunday and is sure to be a great deal of fun, especially with the Saturday evening social happening as well. For more details, please visit this page.
Simple GPIO
A blogger called Eric has written up a simple piece of code, and an accompanying Fritzing circuit diagram, of how to read a switch input and turn an LED on and off. It’s a simple example, but does show you how simply this kind of thing can be done. Read it here.
Simple PWM
Over on his blog, Eric is doing a great line in simple examples for controlling the GPIO pins of the Pi. This time, he covers PWM on the Pi by giving an example of an LED which changes brightness depending on a button press. Take a look here.