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Our new Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) TinyShield combines both master and slave modes into one module! This TinyShield allows you to connect your TinyDuino system to any compatible iOS or Android device using Bluetooth Low Energy (also known as Bluetooth Smart and Bluetooth 4.1). This technology is great for low power sensors and accessories and works with most modern phones. This shield acts as a drop-in hardware and software replacement for NRF8001 (Nordic) TinyShield projects. Unlike previous BLE TinyShields, your Arduino sketch code can modify your module's connection parameters directly.
This TinyShield is based around the BlueNRG-MS chipset by STMicroelectronics, which comes in the SPBTLE-RF module. The TinyShield also includes power supply and level shifters on the board, so you can run your TinyDuino from 3.0V – 5V.
Since the SPBTLE-RF module supports both master and slave modes, you can communicate both with a Bluetooth LE device (i.e. a smartphone) and another BLE TinyShield or other BLE module with slave mode. If you have one of our previous BLE models, a BlueGiga or a Nordic, it can communicate with those as well.
Note: This product is for advanced users, and typically requires that the user develops their own iOS or Android BLE app in order to use this.
Nordic BLE nRF8001 Specs
TinyDuino Power Requirements
Pins Used
The interrupt signal can be changed from pin 2 to pin 3 by removing resistor R2 and soldering it to position R3.