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The SparkFun Analog MEMS Microphone Breakout makes working with the Vesper VM2020 analogue microphone easy. The VM2020 is an ultra-high Acoustic Overload Point (AOP), high dynamic range, differential analogue output piezoelectric MEMS microphone. What separates this from other analogue MEMS microphones is that it was designed to be used in loud environments. Additionally, this microphone consists of a piezoelectric sensor and circuitry to buffer and amplify the output. It has an acoustic overload point of 152dB SPL for audio capture in loud environments.
Also note, this low-profile microphone has its port on the bottom side, so the microphone can be mounted flush to the outer surface of your enclosure. This microphone is omnidirectional, which means it does a good job of picking up sound sources from all directions.
Most microphone breakouts in SparkFun's catalogue have an OpAmp which amplifies the signal and has a single-ended output. This microphone breakout is different and does not have an OpAmp. To connect to the differential output with an Arduino, you will need to amplify the signal to a usable level and ADC with differential inputs. We recommend using the SparkFun WM8960 Audio Codec Breakout with a built-in programmable gain amplifier and ADC.
This board is great for applications requiring you to measure volume in a loud environment, capture audio when the microphone is next to a speaker, make your own electronic hearing protection, or create an adaptive filter for your smart speaker. Add the SparkFun VM2020 Analog MEMS Microphone Breakout to your next project!
Get Started with the VM2020 Analogue MEMS Microphone Breakout Guide