This ESP32-S3 dev board has a really interesting format - it comes with a USB-A connector to plug straight into your PC for programming and also has a 1.47" LCD screen on the front with a 172 x 320 resolution and 262K colours.
It supports 2.4GHz Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 5, and comes with 16MB of Flash memory and 8MB of PSRAM. The ESP module offers an Xtensa 32-bit LX7 dual-core processor, running at up to 240MHz. It even has an SD card slot for additional storage.
Another cool feature is the RGB LED sandwiched between the PCB and LCD, allowing you to code some cool backlight/glow effects!
Equipped with high-performance Xtensa 32-bit LX7 dual-core processor, up to 240MHz main frequency
2.4GHz Wi-Fi (802.11 b/g/n) and Bluetooth 5 (LE), with onboard antenna
Built-in 512KB SRAM and 384KB ROM, with onboard 16MB Flash and 8MB PSRAM
1.47" LCD display, 172 x 320 resolution, 262K color
Multiple IO interfaces, full-speed USB port
SD card slot for storage of pictures or files
Accurate control such as flexible clock and multiple power modes to realize low power consumption in different scenarios
Built-in RGB LED with clear acrylic sandwich panel for cool lighting effects
What's on Board
ESP32-S3R8 Dual-core processor, up to 240MHz operating frequency