The Rainbow HAT from Allo is a full RGB LED Matrix for the Raspberry Pi!
The Rainbow HAT features a matrix of 64 (8 x 8) RGB LEDs in HAT format, making it ideal for a range of projects, including games, status monitoring, mood lighting, art or anthing that involves lighting the universe in a spectrum of colour!
The Rainbow HAT is powered directly from the Raspberry Pi, and the LEDs are driven via DMA over PWM using a python library.
64 RGB LEDs (SK6812 RGB - 5mm x 5mm)
LED data driven via DMA over PWM by using Python library
Compatible with Raspberry Pi B+/2/3 & Zero
Power rating 5V@ 50 - 540mA.
Board Dimensions: 65mm x 56.5mm x 12.3mm
Product Notes:
LEDs are bright enough to cause eye pain and (for all I know) possibly retina damage when run at full strength. It's a good idea to set the brightness at 0.2 or so for direct viewing (whether you're looking directly at the pixels or not), or to put some diffuse material between you and the LEDs.
Photo-sensitivity warning: Patterns of light and darkness (stationary or moving), flashing lights, patterns and backgrounds on screens, and the like, may cause epilleptic seizures in some people. This is a danger EVEN IF THE PERSON (WHICH MAY BE *YOU*) HAS NEVER KNOWINGLY HAD A PHOTOSENSITIVE EPISODE BEFORE. It's up to you to learn the warning signs, but symptoms may include dizziness, nausea, vision changes, convlusions, disorientation, involuntary movements, and eye twitching. (This list is not necessarily exhaustive.)
As the HAT uses the PWM hardware and GPIO18, it will interfere with analogue audio playback.