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The SparkFun Qwiic Micro MMC5983MA Magnetometer is a micro-sized, 0.75in. by 0.30in. sensor that utilizes the highly sensitive triple-axis magnetometer by MEMSIC. We've attached the magnetometer IC onto an incredibly small Qwiic board form factor that we like to call Qwiic Micro! The MMC5983MA is capable of sensing down to 0.4mG, enabling a heading accuracy of ±0.5°. The Qwiic MMC5983MA IMU communicates over I2C by default utilizing our handy Qwiic Connect System, so no soldering is required to connect it to the rest of your boards.
Saturation is a problem for all mag sensors. The MMC5983MA has built-in degaussing circuitry to clear any residual magnetization. Output rates of 1000Hz, ±8G FSR, and 18-bit resolution make the MMC5983MA a phenomenal magnetic sensor for electronic compass applications.
We've also written a feature-complete Arduino library supporting I2C and SPI. Just search "SparkFun MMA5983MA" in the library manager and start measuring within minutes.
Note: The Redboard is NOT included
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