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This 8-layer Stackable HAT provides precise temperature monitoring with up to 64 thermocouple sensors. It utilizes 24-bit delta-sigma A/D converters for high accuracy, which can be further enhanced through calibration. It is compatible with all Raspberry Pi models from Zero to 5. The card design uses only two GPIO pins for I2C bus connection, leaving most GPIOs free for other uses. It's easy to power, requiring only 5V, either from the Raspberry Pi or an external connector.
There are eight LEDs, which indicate when preset temperature thresholds are reached. A six-position DIP switch on the card helps configure the RS485 port and stack position, allowing up to eight cards to be stacked. The RS485 port expands its capabilities, allowing communication with RS485-compatible devices. For safety, the card includes reverse power supply protection which is done through a 5.8A, 39 mOhm MOSFET that breaks the ground line if reverse power is applied, and it features a push button for safely shutting down the Raspberry Pi, preventing SD card damage.