Raspberry Pi Roundup - 31st October 2015Raspberry Pi Roundup - 31st October 2015

Raspberry Pi Roundup - 31st October 2015


Let's get the unpleasantness out the way first! The Raspberry Pi Foundation has done a nice round-up of just some of the halloween projects that have been done this year. Read about them here.


Helen, over at the Raspberry Pi Foundation, has published a lovely blog post on the wide variety of Doctor Who-inspired projects that have been powered by the Raspberry Pi. There are multiple K9s, a Dalek and, of course, Dave Akerman’s famous TARDIS-in-space. Take a look here and join in the discussion on whether Capaldi is any good or not.


A maker/programmer called Gerald decided that the Raspberry Pi was the perfect computer for senior citizens (a term I’m not totally sure I like all that much, but heigh-ho). He has created a new operating system distro called “Senior Pi” which is a stripped-down affair with basic utilities such as email, an internet radio and things like that. It is designed to be used with a large HDMI touchscreen (although I daresay someone could get it working with the new Raspberry Pi display. It is designed to be a two-user system: one is the senior user, the other is a support user who sets-up and maintains the software. For more information, and to download and try it out, head over to the creator’s wiki website.

OSMC onna stick

Richard Saville aka the Average Man has written a not-so-average blog post about installing OSMC (Open Source Media Centre) onto a USB stick so you can use it with your Raspberry Pi. He explains why it’s a good and/or bad idea to do so and takes you through all the steps you need to carry out to achieve it. If you’re into using your Pi as a media centre, check it out.


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