Look ma, no touch!
The team behind
Hover, a gesture input device, have put together a tutorial, which uses a Pi in conjunction with an Arduino Leonardo, which guides you through using a Hover board to be a controller for
Take a look at the tutorial here. You can
buy a Hover from The Pi Hut.
Simple security
The Average Man has used a distro image called
MotionPie and a
Nwazet Pi/camera case to create a security camera set-up for his father. It’s a rather neat solution to a common security problem.
Read how he did it here.
Moving stuff
Rob Zwetsloot at
Linux User and Developer magazine has written a tutorial on controlling servos. He uses the Adafruit servo controller board to do this and he’s included the Fritzing diagram and code samples to help you replicate his work.
Take a look here.