RPi Roundup – 19th May 2014
Phew! What a scorcher! Hopefully the weekend weather didn't cut into your Pi-tinkering time!
Reagan Ward had a problem. People in his office just didn't know if his team were at their desks or not and he wanted to save them the 8 seconds it would take to walk and find out. So, he wired up a Pi with some perfboard and some RGB LEDs, did some programming in C++ and Python and fixed it all to a window. Read more here.
Sumit Rai has been posting details of a DIY karaoke machine that uses a Pi at it's heart. He’s integrated a Wolfson Pi audio board with it and posted some video of it in action. Here’s part 1 of the tutorial and part 2 which follows on (obviously, in the way that part 2s do tend to).
Want to get started doing physical computing and can't face using Python? Well, over at ScratchMyPi.co.uk, they’ve started a series on using Simon Walters’ ScratchGPIO to control various things with the GPIO pins. They’ve started simple – lighting up a few LEDs. ScratchGPIO is incredibly powerful and it's well worth giving it a go to explore some of the Pi's unique capabilities. Read how here
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Scratch Tutorial