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Arducam’s 5MP Mini Camera Module is a general-purpose high-definition SPI camera with an integrated 5MP CMOS OV5642 image sensor - compatible with the Raspberry Pi Pico and other SPI/I2C boards!
The module can be used with platforms such as the Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi Pico, ESP8266, Maple, Chipkit, Beaglebone black etc as long as they have SPI and I2C interface.
The module supports JPEG compression mode, single and multiple shoot mode, short movie recording, one-time capture multiple read operation, burst read operation, low power mode and more.
The camera can be used in IoT, Robot, Wildlife, HDR and other battery-powered products or scientific image processing applications. It can capture 5MP JPEG images and offers 5MP full resolution RAW image capture, making it to be the ideal solution for IoT and scientific image processing applications. It can even record short movie clips as well!
General-purpose SPI modules not only offer the capability to add a camera to low-cost microcontrollers missing a dedicated camera interface/connection, but also provide the capability to add multiple cameras to a single microcontroller.