RPi Roundup – 16th July 2014

Michael HorneJul 16, 2014
The Big News Well, the big news is still the release of the Raspberry Pi Model B+. Here's some great coverage of the new version of our favourite credit card-sized...
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RPi Roundup – 14th July 2014

Michael HorneJul 14, 2014
The Big News What else would we feature but the launch of the brilliant Raspberry Pi Model B+? You can read much more about it on our Product Spotlight page...
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RPi Roundup – 12th July 2014

Michael HorneJul 12, 2014
The Big News On Friday, the Raspberry Pi Foundation re-launched the design of their website by making it 'responsive' and suitable for mobile devices. Take a look here. Lend your...
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RPi Roundup – 10th July 2014

Michael HorneJul 10, 2014
Project Corner Conor O’Neill has used cheese and grapes as input devices with a Makey Makey and hooked it up to a Pi. He's then used them to send remote...
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RPi Roundup – 8th July 2014

Michael HorneJul 8, 2014
Apologies for the delay in posting - the July Cambridge Raspberry Jam rather over-ran me! The Big News The Raspberry Pi Foundation has opened up applications for the next Picademy...
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RPi Roundup – 3rd July 2014

Michael HorneJul 3, 2014
The Big News The Pencoed-based Sony factory in Wales was sent all-a-flutter this week as Prince Charles and the Duchess of the Cornwall visited and saw the place where the...
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RPi Roundup – 1st July 2014

Michael HorneJul 1, 2014
Conference videos Recently, the PrimeConf conference at the Royal Institution showcased the best of British digital technology talent. As part of the conference, there were talks from Gordon Hollingworth of...
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RPi Roundup – 27th June 2014

Michael HorneJun 27, 2014
The Big News On Monday, Eben Upton revealed to PCR that the DSI LCD display from the Raspberry Pi Foundation may be getting closer. He's just signed off on a...
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RPi Roundup – 25th June 2014

Michael HorneJun 25, 2014
More on the Compute Module As announced in the last round-up, the Compute Module is now available. Alex Eames from RasPi.tv bought one of the development kits and has done...
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RPi Roundup – 23rd June 2014

Michael HorneJun 23, 2014
The Big News The long-awaited development kit for the new Compute Module is now available from RS (£170 including VAT and delivery) and Element14 (£152 including VAT and delivery). More...
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RPi Roundup – 20th June 2014

Michael HorneJun 21, 2014
Apologies for the lack of an update over the past few days - not much has been happening on the Pi front. But, today, loads of new bits and pieces...
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RPi Roundup – 17th June 2014

Michael HorneJun 18, 2014
This Roundup features three great projects for the Raspberry Pi. Audio art installation Dominic Wilcox and James Rutherford teamed up to create "Binaudios", an art installation project currently based in Sage...
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